Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dizzy Miss Jemmie

I've relocated. You can still follow me from Blogspot, just push the blue button that says 'manage' and then enter this URL:


I'm in the process of writing one right now, so I'll tell you when to drop by and visit. :]
Toodle-oo, blogspot!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer So Far.

Summer has been fabulous so far. I know I won't be constantly updating, because I'll be so busy. There's concerts, shopping, planning & parties to do. Summer 09 is gonna be killah. :]
(I love this boy. I've seen him for nine days straight since May 30th. -->♥)

June 4th: Last day of school! Publications was a blast, the party went great. It kinda died down towards the end of the hour, though. Science was boring, but I totally aced the test! :D

The school released us ten minutes early, so Katrina & I went outside, and Kahlia was crying! D: So then I started crying, and it was just a big cry fest. Lots of hugs. (x

After that, Seejay, Mako, my sister & I went to TownSquare to see Up in 3D! :D It was suuchhhh a cute movie. Definitely one of my top favorites. Go watch it with someone you loveeee. ;D
First picture of 6.4.09. This is our Pile O' Junk. :]


Me, Mako, & Seejay. :]♥

June 6th: Alexis's 14th [274th] birthday party! All good good fun. The people who attended are: Seejay, Taime, Briana, Kahlia, Sara, Erica, Sammie, Becca, Kin, Daniel, Brandon, Marcus, &moreee. :] It was so much fun! At first, no one was listening to me, Briana kept abusing me, then I had to go to "marrige counseling" with Briana, even though I'm not married to her. So I ran in the house, and Seejay was opening the door when I ran inside. I started fake crying so Briana could feel bad, and then people thought I was actually crying. Jeez. xD

I wanted to go swimming, and so did Taime & Seejay. Kin had already fallen in the pool, so...Yeah. xD Anyway, Taime & I got in and it was freaking COOOOLLLLLDDDDDD!!!!!! I couldn't even get used to the water! I was shivering the whole time I was in there! When Seejay got in, he still had his shirt on, and Kin was like "Hey, Seejay. Why do you have your shirt on?" and I said "Kin, why do you have your shirt on?" xDD So they both took their shirts off at the same time. Yeah, awkward. xD Seejay got in the water, and he started screaming! Then Kin kept complaining on how cold it was, so he kept on blocking the pool light, and putting it on his tummy. He said it was warm. Hahaha. x] Then Kin & Seejay went into the cave thing behind the waterfall, and started screamo-ing. xDDD Taime, Erica & I went rock-climbing around the pool! Its our little game where we can't let our feet touch the bottom of the pool, so you're pretty much rock-climbing. :D &You get three lives. Haha. Taime won with one life left, Erica won two lives left, and I lost with no lives left. xDDD Taime & I saw all these helicopters going the same direction! There were like twenty! There were murderers or something, because that was a buttload of helicopters! xD

After swimming, we ate some cakee! Alexis said not to eat the fondant, because its too sweet, and it will give you a tummy ache. Well, I liked it, and I ate all of mine. x] And went to get some moree. Then I had a tummy ache. D: We went outside in the front, and Daniel had to go homee. :[ I listened to "Lucy" by Nickasaur! Seejay & Kin were skateboarding, and Seejay still had that pipe in his mouth. xD [see above picture, very 1st one] Daniel came back and he was grasping his shoulder, and he's like "Do you guys have some big ass band-aids?" and he went in the house. Everyone freaked out and was like "Is he bleeding? Is he okay?" and yeah. He was fine. He just fell off his bike. [while someone wheeled it to his house, but didn't help him. odd]

Daniel's incident took about 15 minutes. I was being nostalgic during that time. Seejay went home, but then came back later because he forgot his skateboard. x] Taime, Briana, Kahlia, Sara, Kin, & I went over to the chocolate fountain, and we were eating all the stuff that was over there. I made mini-smores, Kin was stuffing mini-marshmallows in his mouth, and Taime told him not to do that because someone died doing it. xD

At about 10pm, we all relaxed on the couches and flipped through the channels. It was SNL and weird programs on that night, so there was bear porn and 80's comedy sex scenes. So, we all freaked out, changed the channel, then looked at each other, then started bursting out laughing. xDDDDDDD We decided to watch True Life: My Parents Are Embarrassing 2. We were only watching it because this really really really pretty girl [who was only 14 but looked 18] had a freaking wanna-be-playboy-model mom. It was freaky. The girl was all hardcore, and the mom was all blonde and booby. xD

Alexis had set up a bed in her newly designed room [forest tree wallpaper....very cool] and it was the most comfortable bed ever. Briana & I couldn't sleep, so we were messing with Taime & Kahlia, who were sleeping. xD Then Becca & Alexis came in, and Becca made me sing to her. ALOT. I sang the following songs because she made me: All My Loving, Blackbird, If I Fell, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Harder Than You Know, I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off, Don't Wake Me Up, Your Biggest Fan, Painter Song, Third Measurement in C, and more. Some of them I chose, some of them she chose. Then we went 80's, and sang Pat Benetar. Kahlia & Briana joined us. xD Briana started singing "Halo." and the only part I sang along to was "Y'know you're my saving grace." Yeah. I'm cool. x]
Butchering the chocolate fountain. Happy birthday!♥

Amazing room & bed.

Sammie, Jemmie, Briana.[e]

Daniel, Brandon, Seejay, Kin, Marcus, Erica. :]

You know who we aree(;

June 7th: Breakfast was bomb. Eggs with tomatoes and onions, and then three types of pancakes: regular, butterscotch, and coconut. I had a coconut one, and it was delish. And I ate my eggs in three seconds. xD Briana & I went swimming after breakfast, and we were tightrope walkers. [We were walking on the pool vacuum hose thing.] I GOT A TAN. I LIKED MY COLOR, AND NOW I'M DARK. I HATE THE SUN. xD

I went home around 12 or 1pm, and LITERALLY, as I pulled up in the driveway w/ Mom, Seejay texted me and he's like "Wanna go to TownSquare?" So I showered as quickly as I could, then left. xD

I felt bad, because we were all smooshed in the car. It was Seejay's daddy, mommy, Christine, Seejay, me, Justin, and John-John. Christine had to sit with Seejay's mom, and I felt badd. x3
We ate at Claim Jumper, but there was a twenty-five minute wait. So we chilled on the benches by the restaurant, and we saw Eddie! Hahaha, Seejay's mom was like "Where's your girlfriend?" and he was like "I don't have a girlfriend yet." [yet. yet. yeeeetttt. ;D] Then Seejay's dad was like "Oh. Look at Seejay." xD [which was really awkward because I see Eddie at school everyday and he's with someone else that its awkward to be around did that make sense not really hahaha]
Seejay's mom & dad kept taking pictures of us! It was..Argh! I don't know, but he took like alott. It was weird for mee. x3

Anyway. We sat down, like three booths away from when we did last time in January. xD Seejay & I got the exact same food we got before. He got black tie pasta, and I got ceasar salad. Yuuup. :] And, as always, I didn't finish it. x] After lunch, we walked around. It was a nice day. Nice, sunny, and it wasn't so hot if you were in the shade. :]

How's summer for you so far? :D

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I don't understand. I really don't.
I want this to really be forever.
But I don't want to be fighting all the time.

I really do love you. Don't ever forget that.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

08-09 School year.

As of today, there's only 6 & 1/2 days of school left. [technically 5 full days and 3 half days but w/e :P]

Looking back, there's so many things that have happened this year. Even though it wasn't my best year in middle school, it was memorable.

Of course, there's things I learned that helped me get to who I am today. There's a big difference between the Jem in August and the Jem in May.

The first thing I learned is that I really don't have to care what other people think. Alot of the time last year, I always had to watch what I said, how I acted around people, and who I hung out with. Just because I didn't want to be seen as some kind of noob. But this year, I hung out with WHOEVER, said WHATEVER, and acted as MYSELF. I even made alot of new friends, and lost some along the way. My self esteem has grown because of this. I am friendly, and jovial. Its a good thing. Soon, I'll grow to be confident about myself, and stop being jealous about looks. -.-

Another thing I learned is that I'm able to stay in a relationship longer than I thought. My last relationship lasted for three months. The relationship I'm in now just got marked as eight months. Back in September, I really thought I couldn't handle it at first. Even though I wanted it so bad, I assumed that it would just flake. But look at things now. We have four more months until a year, and that's pretty strong if you ask me. I'm proud of myself, and I know that this will continue forever. :]

There's supposed to be some kind of barrier between friends and exes. There were some quarrels during the first few months of the 'couple period.' In my mind it will always be the originals. But after a while, everyone started dating each other. It was really weird to see someone holding hands with another person, when two weeks ago, they were 'just friends.' Yeah, I could notice it, by why did it have to be so soon? I guess people nowadays just feel that they HAVE to be dating someone; whether they really like them or not.
With me, its different. You wouldn't understand unless you were in my shoes...

Listen to your heart. It really works. I know it sounds like another cheesy-ego booster-fortune cookie type of thing, but I'm dead serious. I had to make decisions in the past nine months that could have affected the rest of my life. My conscience told me the right thing to do for all those situations, and look at the outcome. I'm completely happy with everything. ♥

Real friends are forever. The laughs, the fights, the concerts, the sleepovers, the crushes, and the jockers. The clothing and the homework, the phone calls and the bracelets. Soo much fun. Its these type of people that you know you're going to stay in contact with because of the times you've had. Pretty straightforward.

Christian Jacob, Alexis Taylor, Taime Elizabeth, Christopher James, Jannellynn Caday- You've made my year amazing. Thank you. :]<3

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blast from the Past

FRIDAY, MAY 15TH, 2008
-Field trip was fun. Hung out with Briana, Kahlia, Katrina & Tiana.
-Slideshow was a freaking success. :D I cried after it though. Not because of the pictures, but because Tatiana was crying [she's moving] and because it finally hit me that we're all going to different schools. :[
-After school was an ADVENTURE! I love Alexis, Taime and Kahlia. So many inside jokes were created. We gotta jump the sun! xD
-DANCE DANCE. Oh holla holla. [pronounced hah-la, hah-la] So much fun. No words for it. You just had to be there. ;]
-China A Go-Go! It was fun for the first 20 minutes or so, until these effing immature kids crashed the party. You fckers owe me money.
-Alexis's house was great. I was slaphappy in the pool, and we all passed out with wet hair and in our jammies. :] More inside jokes were invented. He's an outdoor cook! You should neeevverr seeee his eeeyyyeees. xDDD

Its just something I thought of on the bus. Its not about me.

"Why," he stated. "Why should I have to say anything to her?"

These words I heard from someone else. Not him.

"Why?! Is that what he's asking? How about I ask something? Why does he have to behave like a child? Its not like I'm trying to intentionally hurt him. Why does he hold in his feelings? Why does he have to question my apologies?!" I yelled.

My friend just looked down. Too afraid to look at me. I knew after I shouted, I felt bad for saying it. For putting others in a state of confusion.

That night, I didn't even bother to say goodnight. To anyone. I went straight to bed.


"What did I do?" I cried. Warm, wet tears were streaming down my cheeks. "You know well, I don't deserve this. From you, of all people."

He sighed. "Listen. I've tried to forget. Forget the past. I'm trying to start over. Its just every time I see your face..." He trailed off.

I choked down a sob.

"Every time I look at you, everything comes back."


I woke up with a sheen of sweat on my face. I looked at the time, and realized it wasn't real. None of it was.

Well it just goes to show, things are not what they seem. Please, sister morphine, turn my nightmares into dreams

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last Call On The Dance Floor, Baby Let's Roll Into The Stars Tonight!<3

I wanna see the sunriseee. :D
Preferably one like this. (: -->

So, all day today, I've been singing TRT, and M.I.A. Haha, its kinda weird that they both have three letters in their name. :]

I know I'm mean. Its in my blood. Example, whenever someone just likes a band for ONE of their popular songs, I get all mad. Like "Oh, that band has better songs than that!" But really, I do stuff like that too.

I had an epiphany two weekends ago, and I'm gonna stop trying to be mean like that. I know it was my new year's resolution, but so far its not really working out. So, starting recently, I've been nicer to people. :D

Today, after school, there were these three old dudes in the grass fields handing out MINI ORANGE BIBLES. They are so cool. They were like "You can have one, if you're going to use it." And when I got in the car and told my sister, she said "If you read an excerpt from this everyday, I'll be happy."
She said that she's religious because when she reads the bible, she can connect with what people wrote thousands of years ago. I think that's cool. :]

Right now, I'm listening to Love It Or Leave It. Its the first time I've listened to them. I'm listening to the song called "You, Me, and this Christmas tree." I don't know why I've been singing Christmas-related songs this week. That's besides the point; Its a cute little song. :D

[I'm pretty much just rambling right now, so deal with it. :D]

Instead of using Google, you should use this website called Blackle. Its exactly like google, except that the site is black instead of white. Using a black screen saves energy, because using a white screen uses alot of energy. So yeah, go green, yo. (Or in this case...Black. xD I love you, Taime! :D)

-CJM, TEG, GEC. They all make me happy. ;]
-I'm hungry........................FOR NEW MUSIC! :D
-My children will know The Beatles better than any other band.
-The last days of this school year will be KILLER! :DDDDDDDD

Fare Thee Well,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Missing In Action!

As the title clearly says, I have been missing in action. [from blogspot.] So many events have taken place! I'll just have to tell you them all. ;]

So, on April 18th, and on May 1st, I went to two concerts that This Romantic Tragedy performed at. This Romantic Tragedy is a local band here in Las Vegas that are getting more and more popular with each day. :D There's six band members- Jay Cammilleri on vocals[singing&screamo], Kyle Huender on guitar, Gabe Centeno on keyboard/vocals[mostly screamo], David Diaz on vocals/guitar[singing], Carlin Leavitt on bass, and Mark Neuhardt on drums.

The April 18th one was FREE at galleria mall. I know it was a while ago, but it was still a fun day. I just started listening to TRT, and their genre is screamo/electronica. I like ittt. :D I loved their music when I heard this show, so I listened to them more often.
During the day, Taime, Jannellynn & I went crazy trying to find Gabe, so we can take a picture with him. Taime & I made him bracelets. By the time we found him, THE BRACELETS DIDN'T FIT! D: So he didn't put them on. x[ But we finally got our picture with him. :D
Meanwhile, Taime & I had our "post-concert-obsession." Its this fettish we have. After a concert, we get obsessed with the band we saw. :]
Jannellynn, Gabe, Taime, Me, and Seejay. :D
Taime's short. xD

The May 1st one was super duper fun. I got pictures with all the band members, and even got Gabe's phone number. ;D But I'm not allowed to give it out. He made me pinky swear. :3 We were front row [duh] and I had a really good time. I was jumping and singing along this time. So booyahh. :D Taime & I had made bigger bracelets since the April 18th concert, and we wore them up until May 1st. We found Gabe outside, and we were like "WE MADE YOU BIGGER BRACELETS!!" and he was like "YESS!" And he put them on, and they fit! PERFECTLY! :DDD

[I look gross in the pictures, so ignore the ugliness ;D]
Me, Jay, Taime, and Erica.
Erica covered my face! Dx

Me, Gabe, and Taime.
He wanted us to be BR00T4L. :D

Taime, David, Me, and Erica.
David wasn't ready. xD

Me, Mark, and Taime.
This is a good one. :D

Me, Kyle, and Taime.
Kyle looks pretty high. xD

Me, Carlin and Taime.
Kinda blurry. x]


On May 2nd, my publications class, dance, and step team took a longgg drive to California to go to Knotts Berry Farm! The bus ride was weird...Jannellynn and I sat way up front, so we were right by Ms.Qustandi and her boyfriend[James] while everyone was socializing and having fun towards the back of the bus. I slept most of the way there...[Considering I was having fun at a TRT concert, and staying up til 1:30am because Seejay didn't get picked up from my house until then... ;D]

For breakfast, we stopped in Barstow at McDonalds. Eeew. It was pretty cool though, because there were trains you could play in by the front. :D Jannellynn & I ate hash browns & apple dippers. ;] You have to admit, apples and caramel are pretty dang good. [do you say car-mal or care-ah-mel? :D]

Finally, after a bajillion hours, we arrived to Knotts! It was my first time there, but I was too chicken to go on any of the scaryy rides. The only intense one was this thingy where you sit on it, and your feet hang down, and it flips the chairs over and over in the air. It hurt me and Jannellynn's crotch. x[ The first couple hours at Knotts, Jannellynn & I hung out with Kris and Nick. Then, Katherine, and Jessica joined. After that, Monica and Tjay joined us. After that, Mariel, Violet and Daniella came. Then Victoria and Sarah. Then Taylor, Chelsea and Cindy. The whole publications class was together. :D

I think one of our favorite rides was the water ride. Not the almost-90-degree-angle one, the one where you sit in a circular boat, and it takes you down a river flowin thing. I went on it like a billion times. Before the day was out, the whole class went on two boats. The boat Jannellynn & I were on was considered 'The Party Boat' because we were really crazy and hyper and everyone wanted to ride with us. xD On our boat was Jannellynn, Sarah, Monica, Tjay, Mariel, and me.
Mariel was so funny! She was screaming at the top of her lungs for the whole ride! &We didn't even get wet that much! I almost pissed my effing pants, because she was being so silly! xDD

We had like three funnel cakes! They're so yummy & addicting! xD
Jannellynn & I got matching brass knuckles necklaces. ;D Nick spent forever trying to find a token machine because he wanted to play an Initial D game in the arcade. He didn't even beat it. He got super mad afterwards. xD

Ahhh, so much happened that day but I can't really remember. x]

The bus ride home was pretty weird. Jannellynn's parents were in California at the time, so Jannellynn just stayed with them. Mariel sat with me at first on the bus, then she invited me to sit with her, Violet, and Daniella.
[It was cute because Violet was texting Beau, and Seejay was with Beau, who was telling Violet to tell me that Seejay misses & loves me. x3]
I didn't bring any pillows or blankets, and everyone looked so cozy just snoozing with their giant body pillows, and fleece blankets. So, on the way home, I slept in fetal position just listening to TRT, with my hood on my head. [not to mention my jacket was still wet from that water ride.]

Finally arriving back in Vegas, I was so relived. I stepped off the bus, and the warm Vegas weather just made me happy. It was a long day, and I was happy to chat with my sister for the car ride home. Unfortunately, I was expecting a warm welcome when I got home from my mom and nephew. [sister was going out] But I walked in, and the house was uber quiet. I checked the bedrooms, and they were both SLEEPING! So I felt lonely, and called Seejay. x]

Knotts Berry Farm Pictures! :D
Mariel & I had an interesting moment. :o

Tjay & I chillin like a villian w/ Ronald McDonald. :D

Jannellynn & I by teh waterfall. :D

Insidee! :D
L-R: Nick, Katherine, Taylor, Monica, Tjay, Jannellynn.

Insidee. :D
L-R: Monica, Jannellynn, Me, Nick.

Waiting in line for the water ride. :D
Me & Mariel. I look retarded. xD

Bizarre-ness ;D

These are just pictures from May 3rd. :]
Fun day. :D

Taime & Me!♥

Me and my twin Jason!
Do we look alike? x]

Me trying to be taller than Kevin.

One of the best pictures ever!
one tiny thing though xP

That's all I have for now. I guarantee you that I'll be blogging some more. Ta-ta! :D

Friday, April 17, 2009

I love you

Somewhere. Beyond the Sea.
Somewhere, waiting for me.
My lover stands on golden stands.
&Watches the ships that go sailing.♥

All photos from DeviantArt from various people.

Friday, April 10, 2009

I miss having black eyeliner.

Jannellynn is seriously one of my best friends. We were trying to do a "1-2-3-4" thing, but instead of using two fingers in the last one, Jannellynn used her whole hand. xD And freaking Nick in the back. Such a stalker. :] And if you don't get the picture, listen to "1, 2, 3, 4" by the Plain White T's. ;D
(BTW. Jannellynn, if you're reading thiss; I'M HAPPY FOR YOUUUU. :D♥ )

-Spring Break! is going really well! On Saturday [April 4th], it was Christine's birthday!! I couldn't believe that a year had already passed since her last party. It was pretty fun, hehe. Erica was the first one to greet me, and she had a flower in her hair. :] Cheyenne freeaking stole my phonee!! Like she always does, but still! I have my personal things on thereee. x]] Seejay and I went upstairs for a while, and talkedd. I think I have a problem with peopleee. xD

Monday[April 6th], was my sister, Janey's, birthday. I dressed nicely kinda, my fam-bam went to Chevy's. :D It was my mother, my three sisters, and my nephew. It was good fun, especially when my sister got a little drunk, and kept talking in different voices. xD

Tuesday[April 7th] my sister, Joy, asked if I wanted to go with her to a party. They were celebrating Cambodian New Year at a banquet hall. It was interesting. Seejay got to go with me, and we got there around 6 or 7. x] When we got in line to get our food, Seejay saw someone from school, and they were talking, so that was nicee. :] THENNN I saw this kid DANNY. Not Danny, our funny Danny. A different one, that freaked me out last school year. I saw him behind us in line, and I thought I recognized him. But I didn't think it was, so I shook it off. But I guess the Danny kid tapped Seejay on the shoulder or something, and then pretended he didn't do anything. Seejay told me that he went to his school, and that he went to my school last year. So I was like "OHMEHHGAWDD ITS HIM." So, I was paranoid for a few minutes and just kept my head down at our table for a while. x] I laid lowww. ;D
After everyone ate, the Cambodian band started playing, and everyone was dancing. It got suuuppper uber hot in there, so Seejay and I went outside to talk. He got hyper, and he's always so jumpy when he's hyper. xD
My sister made us come in after about an hour, because she didn't want us to get kidnapped. x] My nephew was tired when we came in, so after a while, he fell asleep on me and Seejay. His head and torso was on Seejay's lap, while his legs were on mine. And Seejay's jacket was his blanket. It was soooooooooooo friggen cute. I wish I could have taken a picturee. x3

Today, [technically, in my head, still April 9th, even though its past midnight ahahha xD] I was in such an Owl City mood. I've been listening to Owl City all day, and I even started drawing AND writing because of it. I was practicing my printing not handwriting. I consider printing to be the different "fonts" I can write in. Haha, I'm such a nerd. xD

-Other Family♥ If I had a family made of people we all knew, this would be my family: My parents are Audrey Hepburn and George Harrison. My brothers are Brendon Urie, Zach Braff, and Demetri Martin. [The other relatives are pretty trivial, so I'm not gonna mention them.]

As I was watching Scrubs today, an inspirational episode got me thinkin. If Zach Braff was my brother, I'd appreciate the advice he'd give, and the laughs we'd make. I wouldn't take it for granted if we both were insanely hyped up enough to stay awake for a full 24 hours. That day would be filled with 50% laughter, and probably 50% advice/problems. Problems from me, of course. :b

If Demetri Martin was my brother, it would be soo epic. His creative mind, and silly drawings would keep me laughing for hours. Also, I'd try to beat him at a game of Cranium. [probably Zach on his side, Brendon on mine] He'd be a really great brother because he would be able to make me laugh. And that's a big deal for me. I try to laugh as much as I can. :]

If Brendon Urie was my brother, the musical talent he'd teach me would be GREAT!! I mean come on, he could teach me guitar, bass, piano, and...accordian I think? xD All I know is that Brendon is a master at instruments. Another plus to Brendon, is that he's loud and crazy. All the time. I wouldn't mind that in a million years. ;]

To sum it all up: Zach Braff would be a perfect brother because he can give advice. Demetri Martin would be a brilliant brother because he can make people laugh with the simplest of things. Brendon Urie would be an amazing brother because he's talented, and insane at the same time. [For nicknames, they would be: Zach, Peachy, and Bear. (can't come up with one for Zach xD)]

That's it for tonight. Hard to believe that I typed this all up in about a half hour, huh? I guess I had alot to say. Cherry-byee!


P.S. If you're freaking out about the family thing, its okay. I dream WAY more than I should. :]

Friday, April 3, 2009

Bumblebees and stars. :D

Well hello thereeee! I guess every Friday is my blogging day. x]
This is a really amazing bag. Yes, yes, I know its just a bag, but c'mon. REINVENT♥ It even has a pretty print on the inside. Its spacious, and fits all my stuff. Unlike my Beatles bag, hahaha. :D

Today was so perfect in the morning. It felt so nice- sunny and breezy. My favorite. But then when it came to lunch[12pm] it was cloudy, windy, and rainy! It was cold, and terrible! You know I hate the rain now. x[

ANYWAYYY!! I've been greattt! This week was the last week before spring break [Whoo-hoo!] and it was really kind of simple. These weekdays were really good for me, and I'm so excited to relax over the weekend and spring break!! I wish we had two weeks, but unfortunately, we only have one week. But its alright, I better make the best of it. (:

My sister suggested that I bring a friend, and we could have a road trip to California. I don't know about you, but I LOVE ROAD TRIPS!! I don't know why, but driving at night, getting gasoline at 3am, and finally arriving just entertain me. x] Annnddd we might go to the beach; though I'd much prefer the pier. I love the colddd there, and all those little shops. I think my favorite shops at Pier 21 in San Francisco are the Sock Shop, and the Candy Baron. They sell this candy bar called the Violet Crumble there, and its freaking A M A Z I N G! Its like heaven in your mouth. Mmmm, now I want one. :D

I finished The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, and it was simply amazing. I can tell why the movie was 3 and a half hours long- it was because the book skipped a lot of Benjamin's life. Like in one part of the book, it would be telling how Benjamin was in grade school, then it'd skip to when he applied for college. By the time I finished it, the next morning, I had been asking my mom all these questions about it. Because, as you can predict, as Benjamin turns about 80 years old, he's in the form of a baby. So, I asked my mom if his internal clock would reverse, so by the time he's like... 200, he'd actually look 200 years old. She said no, and that he would probably already be dead by 200. Then I asked her, that if Benjamin got older, the baby phase would get younger. I asked if by the time Benjamin reaches maybe 90 years old, he'd be a fetus. [Mom laughed real hard at that] She said no, because a fetus is INSIDE the mother. She said that Benjamin would just continue to age, and eventually just stay as a newborn. But yeah, you should read the book. Its interesting. :]

As this school year is ending, I'm gonna miss the following things:
+Inside jokes with the boys, [Cjay, Jason, Nick, Dennis, Aaron] and Taime.
+ The laughter I always hear at lunch. :] (Both 2nd and 4th lunch)
+ The stupid comments made in English class from Eric, Emilio, and Zhawne. [class clowns if you ask me. xD]
+PUBLICATIONSSS! I'm gonna miss my Mommie, T.J! Even though he's a boy, he's a good mommie. Except that my curfew is too early. xD I'm gonna miss those iMacs, and all those silly videos with Jannellynn. :]
+Sneaking food and falling asleep while taking notes in science class. x]
+MOST IMPORTANTLY; The laughs I've had in GEOGRAPHY!!

Geography is seriously my favorite class. I sit by Cjay, Jason, and Katrina. We're always taking with Mr.Hejduk[or as we call him- Mr.Duckie] and laughing, and he laughs with us. I'm always being clever with him, Jason asks him a million questions, and Katrina just says the randomest things to him. He gets along really well with us. Like today for instance, he let me read a book to the class! xD I think we're his favoritessssss. ;D
I think the reason why we get along with him so well, is because he's so YOUNG!! He recently became 24 in March. He's younger than TWO of my sisters. Daang, right? :P Anyway, he's such a bomb teacher. I just wish all the ignorant kids would give him a break. x]

I'm happy that Ryan's happy in California. He put this link on his Twitter and said "This is how you write songs." I clicked the link, and it was a song called "Say You Don't Mind" by Colin Blunstone. Its a nice song. Colin's voice is silky, but energetic at the same time. There's strings in the song, and that's what I like about it. You'd expect to hear this in a "running-through-the-sunflower-field" scene, y'know? Haha. :]

I'm on the hunt for some new music, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be more than happy to look into them. Right now, I'm likin indie, soft acoustic, and classical. I have this Debussy CD, and I absolutely love it. So leave a few artists or songs in a comment, I'd appreciate it. Thankss. :D


P.S- I have ten followers! That's amazingggg. :D
P.P.S- I can't wait to work on the 8th Grade Slideshoww! You 8th graders at school will like it toooo. ;]
P.P.P.S- I love webcams.

^^That's mah hairr. Looks like a fake mustache, huh? :D^^


Friday, March 27, 2009


Hello dumplings. Tonight is a Friday night. And I am in the mood for soft acoustic, tea, and a good book. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with babysitting, in order to go to Milk Square's casa tomorrow. :]

I found out what FML means... Not cool! I haven't used a term like that since the 6th grade. Which, believe it or not, was not too long ago. But yes, it some cases it is. d:

My nephew is watching the episode of Spongebob, entitled "Bubblestand." The one where Spongebob teaches Patrick and Squidward how to blow bubbles, and Squidward ends up screaming up his bubble. Mako just thinks that's hilarious. xD [He just hit his head on the corner of the bed from laughing so hard]
I started a new game of Kingdom Hearts today, and it made me realize that I'm a KH nerd. I found 75 dalmations, almost all of the Trinities, and I even have three of the songs from the video game, DOWNLOADED. Yes. I rock.

-End of the grading period! Yes, this means spring break is NEXT WEEK! Whoo. I have two field trips coming up- Dance/Step team had 21 seats open on their charter bus, so they invited Publications to go with them!! :D Its only 40 dollars, and there's 19 of us students, and then Ms.Qustandi. So we all can fit. Hehe. I'm excited. The second one is the 8th grade field trip. We go to the adventure dome for the whole day, come back and watch the 8th grade slideshow, then go to what remaining time we have for 6th period. :D
We barely have any photos for the 8th grade slideshow. In publications, we've been watching movies all week, because we don't have any photos to slide. xD

-6 Months; half a year. The greatest has happened. Monday, March 23rd, was my 6 month with Seejay. We spent the whole day together at the rec, and at my house. (x Six months is half a year [duh] and I can't wait for the other half of the year to be with him. :]♥ We've never broken up once, and never had a fight. We're cool. :D

-Literature. I got two new books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald.Its amazing how the movie for Benjamin Button is 3 and a half hours long, but the book is only 60 pages. I've had it for quite a while now, but I haven't finished it because I'm really into Pride and Prejudice. (x
My mother said that its best to read all those classics now, because I'll just have to read them in high school anyway. :] With authors such as Shakespeare, Hemmingway, Austen, Bronte, all that good stuff. I just hope that I'll understand it all by then. I have like 20 vocab words written down in my notebook already. xD

Just an update, really. Tell me something that happened to you this week that made you really happy. I'd love to hear about it. :]
Nighty night, folk.


Thursday, March 26, 2009



Thursday, March 19, 2009

The grand poo-bah.

WHY HEEEYYY THERE! It feels so good to blog again. I missed it, hahaha. Eventful times I've had, and had not tell you dumplings about it. Let's begin. :D

The picture to your right, are the people that keep me going, all day, everyday. I took this picture hanging upside down on the couch, while they were playing RainbowSix on Xbox 360. :P

-School Related Things! First thing I wanna say, is that THE YEARBOOK IS FINISHED!!! All the pages are done, and the books are coming in May. Jannellynn and I did the open house/welcome back dance/lunch surveys page. Then, Sarah and I did the cheer page, and I think that's my favoritee. :D

Third quarter is almost over, then we have about two months of school left! Yess! In April, everyone gets the letters from ECTA to see if we've all been accepted!

We also got our LVHS registration forms, just in case someone moves, or transfers schools. The classes I got recommended for are: English 1H, Biology, Geometry, and French 1. :D [technically, I asked for French, but Ms.Reyes signed it without even thinking about it. :D]

-Gaining weight?! Last night, I experienced something horrible... There I was.. laying comfortably in my bed at 2am, hopelessly flipping through the t.v channels, with a will to find something good to watch... And my t.v flipped no more. I had stopped at the food channel. All that was on the screen was a woman putting two pieces of fish in a pan... And then I was hungry. But I had just got done eating Chinese food. DANG.

I've been thinking about food too much lately. I mean, come on. This morning, for breakfast, I had an egg salad sandwich, an egg burrito, and cinnamon toast crunch.
I fell asleep around 4, not eating lunch. I woke around 6:30, and I was feeling very very hungry. So I made some microwavable ravioli. Then, I ate alfredo after that. Then my mom made french fries, so I ate those too.

I tried exercising the other day, 30 sit-ups. I was dying afterwards. Now that I don't have P.E, I'm in the worst physical state EVER. I think I'm gonna do this sit-up thing everyday now. xD

-Night/Daymares So. I've been having scary dreams lately, and during school, they always bug me. Its so inconvenient that whenever I'm thinking about the dream, I pass by the person who was in it. It even sucked [for me] to make eye contact with this person. I get a giant wave of nostalgia and guilt.

Now, I know that the one thing a girl wants, is for someone to understand her problems. Someone to look at things from her point of view. I recently found out that its TRUE, that girls like to talk about themselves. Alot. So, in conclusion, a girl would want a friend who would listen to her talk about her all the time. Truth is- I had a friend like that. And this is why these dreams are scaring me so much, because that friend isn't around anymore.

-Misty Satine Eirever. I started a new story, and that's my protagonist's name. It took me alot of time to come up with it, but hey. :P Its about a teenage girl who has to move to California, and she's alone there, in a big house with just her and her mother. The people who live next door seem nice... And that's where it begins.

The part I'm writing right now, is where Misty first enters her new house. Its kinda hard, because I wanna skip what I call the 'small talk' of the story, and get right to the juicy chapters. If I don't write them down right away, the ideas kinda fade out of my head, then I can't continue the story. My brain's weirdddd. ;P

-Jealousy/Flattery It really sucks when I have to look at pretty girls. End of story.

Well, that's it for now, dumplings. Man, I'm craving Dim Sum. xO [<-- example of my fat bootie]
Tell me something new, I like to learn new things.

Awake and insomniac,

Friday, March 6, 2009

T G I F !

Well hello! Thank Goodness Its Friday! ;D
Hm, to be honest, Beau & Sai started the whole glasses thing over here. And Alexis. :P But I was the first one to have a peekshurree online, so WHATEVER. This is just here for the natural-ness. :]

So this week has been CRT's. [Criterion Reference Testing] I think I did good on reading- but algebra I'm not so sure about. (x

Mako is watching Kung Fu Panda, while I sit here clickity-clacking on the compooper. :] Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs. Well, what's wrong with that? I'd like to know. ;D

Sorry. I'm in a really cheesey mood right now, and I just feel like RA! and hyper, y'know? :P I don't really have much to talk about, but I feel the need to update. So...updates away!

I've been really angry with the school system lately. It seems like with every test they give us, its to see how dumb kids are, and not how smart they are. The system always wants the students to improve, and not get some sort of credit for having a tad bit of knowledge. These test never focus on the positives characteristics of kids. NAPE testing, for example. Comparing the intelligence of the USA to other countries. What's the point of this? To see who can have the smarter kids? Unfortunately, that means smarter teachers. Which means those teachers have to go through a whole bunch of college, where they take tests. And the teacher's teachers take tests. The cycle goes on, and its always repeating. It never ends. I don't like it.

Immaturity. Its a big problem in this generation. [also laziness but I'll get to that later]
People snicker and laugh, and point at the stupidest things. My sister picked me up from school today, and while she was texting, I gazed out the window as usual. A male student from my school was standing in the grass field. Pulling his pants down, revealing his boxers. I made a disgusting face, and thought in my head that he was really stupid, and how much of an attention whore he was. His pants were at his ankles, and for no apparent reason. I wanted to march over to his face, and yell at him. Using my big words. :b But of course, it wouldn't do any good because he wouldn't understand anything I said. Immature. I don't get these kids, really. They do all this for reputation, popularity, and such. I understand that this is an important part of middle/high school, and part of life. Its to fit in, and be accepted. Some children will do whatever it takes.
I, myself, have known my identity for quite a while, so I consider myself mature. I'm not like everyone else, and I'm proud of it. I have fun, I have the time of my life, and I'm happy. Other kids are out there NOT having fun, NOT having the times of their lives, and they're NOT happy. I wish the best for them, and hope that they'll be happy in time.

So, I haven't been to the mall in 2+ months. That's kinda sad.. Considering how much I love that place. I guess its kind of because everyone has the same clothes now, and everyone looks the same because everyone dresses the same, and does their hair the same, and everyone just looks like a sheep or a robot. [that was a run-on sentence :D] I'm tired of being glared at by the girls at hollister. I'm tired of being looked at strangely when I'm at hot topic. I'm tired of seeing people at school at Forever21.

Actually, I think I know what my problem is. PEOPLE. People suck. Everyone's becoming the same, and they have lame attitudes, and no one's smart anymore. [except those geometry kids...lucky] Its just everyday that I have to put up with it. Wanna stick me in an art gallery? Be glad to stay there. Wanna stick me in a movie theater that's showing some HSM crap? Be glad to leave there, and go home. Its always the people surrounding me that affects my mood.
For example- when I'm around Alexis&Seejay, I'm in the greatest mood ever. I'm laughing, and smiling, y'know, the yoosh. [usual]
When I'm around the people in my health class... Its chaos. There's non-motivated children, violence-motivated children, desperate-motivated children, changing children, and its just a supermassive sea of people that could drive me insane. I like to be around normal, and fun people. I bet my world would be a much happier place if I was around Alexis, Seejay, and all the others all the time. Alex Greenwald can join too, he's pretty cool. Ah munna beat him at guitar hero. xD

-I held my pee today for 40 minutes. Very unhealthy.
-Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna run on the treadmill for 20minutes, and do situps. Yes, Jem can do the impossible.
-I'm gonna learn to be nicer.
-I need new vests.
-My sister is in love with food.
-Anorexia is really a scary thing.
-Pancit Canton isn't very filling. No, not filling at all.
-Jem loves easy to make foods. xD
-Jem is a natural born mother. :]<3
-Jem has been sleeping more!
-Stray cats are EVERYWHERE.
-Proxies don't work anymore. ):
-New bedsheets are awesome-0. [My english teacher said that word. I love her because she's a total n00b. :D]

Chocolate Pretzels,

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Update; not a real blog.

Sorry dumplings, I'm in one o'those "moods" right now. xP
Here's what's been going on, since I haven't been on the compooper for 4-6 days.

-Alexis cut my bangs again. No more triangle forehead. :D
-I am training to become an assassin. (kidding)
-5months was on the 23rd! I gotsa roseeee<3
-I am officially fat.
-I haven't been to the mall in a very very very very very long time.
-The cheerleading page in the yearbook is finished! I love it, personally. [:
-RAWR. Everyone's breaking up, and its sad. ):
-I gotta stop taking naps.
-I MADE THE A/B HONOR ROLL! :D :D I thought I wasn't going to. (x
-I reallllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyy want to get into ECTA.
-Algebra is getting easier. (:
-I hate it when I get that shiver-y feeling when I'm mad
-Both my CJ's are the besttttttttttt<3
-I wish I was grown.
-Days go by very very fast now. I haven't the time to enjoy them. -.-
-I really wish I went to Taste of Chaos.
-Everything and everyone is materialistic.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mellifluous- my new favorite word. :D

Hey. :D

So, I over reacted a little last night, and I'm sorry for that. I'm just emotional. I mean, c'mon. That's part of being a girl. I hope you forgive me. :3

Anyway, I have somethings to talk about. This week has been interesting. I have some goods, some bads, some in-betweenies. xD But overall, it was good good. There's just times when I need to turn, smile, shift and repeat. ;D

Hm, do I use smiley faces too much? I don't care. :D

-Gonna write a song about CORAALINE! It was the bombesttttttt! Seejay, Alexis, Quin and I went to go watch CORALINE in 3D at TOWNSQUARE! [actually Town27-a-gon now ;D] It was raining alot alot alot, and we were late going into the movie theater. I think that's something that always happens to me. (x Alexis and I were laughing through the movie, and kept hitting each other. xD AND we jumped at the scary parts like 5times. After the movie, we went to Yogurtland, but I didn't get anything because it was too cold. The car ride was the best time of that night! I didn't know that Quin was so funny. Oh, and I'm a secret spy(; After we dropped the three off, my sister and I went to Albertson's, and I took so many pictures of the funny things there. xD Like there was this box of chicken wings, and the chicken was in a shape of a heart. xDD Very fun day♥

-People & things. I've been proven wrong; there are really good people out there. Even though I don't like it, I judge people really quickly. I don't really intend to, but I mean come on. Look at the year we're in. We can't go a day without judging ANYTHING. Whether we're at the grocery, or in public. Oh, this bread looks more healthier. or- Ew, that girl looks like a poser. Yes, I do these things. Who doesn't. The reason I do this though, is kind of for myself. Who doesn't want to be happy. I do this because I'm glad I'm not anything close to that. Those people out there who are doing good in the world- I respect you. Greatly.

-Writing writing? Usually, I'm always writing something. Always. In my spare time, or at school, always. Its my thing. But lately, its like all my inspiration went away. I can't describe a meadow, or see it in my head. I write down what's in my mind. I don't know what happened, I guess it was a change in something. I'm slowly coming back, by writing experiences. Maybe I'll share one with you one day.

-Chase Coy An amazing boy. His lyrics are brilliant, and I hope he doesn't become one of those people that becomes a jerk when they get signed. I don't even know if he's signed. xD But anyway. No one I knew never heard of Chase Coy a year ago. Only Monica. I started listening to him because of her, then Trinity did then Brandon, then freaking everyone. Whatever, y'know. I don't really care anymore. I'm just tired of sheep.

That reminds me, there won't be a playlist this week. I'm on a downloading quest for new music.

Those of you who take the time to read my rants and opinions, thanks. It means something. (:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm makin a list, &you bet I'm checkin it twice.

See if you can find the only flaw in that picture. Its like a big red light to me, I can't look at the picture without looking at the flaw. And yes, I took that myself. :P

Imagination. What I would say about it, are swallows[birds], trees, forests, all these nature related things. But the things I actually like, are kind of indescribable. I like puppets, and buttons. Staircases, and clouds. I like the sun, and I like babies. I like m&m's, and skyscrapers. I like weeping willows, and red windmills. I like victorian dresses, and fishnet stockings. I like big band music, and soft acoustic. I like many things, and all of them are part of my mind, and part of me. [Cheesey much? Let's get to the point. xP]

"Like a flying car with wings and square tires, with a punk Spongebob driving, and talking in a foreign language of sum41 [some] sort."
^^that's imagination.^^

The things that run through my mind during the day are realistic, and not fantasy. Do you get what I mean? It seems like when someone defines imagination, they automatically think of fantasy. Dragons and unicorns, rainbows and sparkly flowers. Not everyone is like that. This is called stereotyping. Its called profiling, and I could really live without it. Have you ever seen the movie Shallow Hal? I wish I my mind could be like that. I want to be able to see people for what they are, and not what they look like. It wouldn't necessarily be the exact deal from Shallow Hal, it would sort of be like a superpower. Look at someone without judging, without stereotyping, and without giving them a name. Like "big haired gangster girl" or "short skater asian kid." I'm sick of this world, and I want to live life with something more. More than just names.

Something that's nice to look at, is when the droplets on a foggy mirror start to slide down. The fog kinda disappears, and the water droplets just make their way down, soon to pool up on the edge of the mirror, and then evaporate. Its something we never think about. Inspiration hit me on a rainy day, and its the exact same thing. Rain comes down, and makes everything gray. It pools up on the streets and then evaporates then its gone. Showers & foggy mirrors are the exact same way. We take a shower, makes the mirror foggy, then the same process occurs. Repeat step one. Its just something I thought about the other day. :P

Sunday again! Here's the playlist. Very short, for I've been kinda busy. The theme is rain. And calming things, just stuff I've been listening to.

1.) Rainy Monday- Shiny Toy Guns
2.) Kiss the Rain- Yiruma
3.) Your Biggest Fan- NeverShoutNever! [not demo version]
4.) Where We Went Wrong- The Hush Sound
5.) Turn Smile Shift Repeat- Phantom Planet

That's it for now folks. Sorry for the frequent blog posts. I'll probably post one next friday; be lucky for the heads up. xD

P.S So far, 2009 has been killer. ♥


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Yiruma is a genius.

No one needs you more than I need you. (:
<-- One of the best days ever! Seejay's birthday. :P I'm the one grabbing his arm and hiding behind his hair.
L-R in the back: Kiran, Erica, Nate, Eddie, Me, Alexis, Sai, Armani, and this dude; I forgot his name. xD
L-R in the front: Angelo, Abagail, Seejay's cousin whose name I forgot, Christine, Seejay. (:

Anyway. My weekend started yesterday.

I went to Seejay's house after school, and it was really fun. We watched Spongebob and Back at the Barnyard for a couple hours. Even though I don't really like Back at the Barnyard. xD After that, his family took us to TownSquare, and we ate at Claim Jumper. The calamari was yummy, hehe. I don't know why people don't like seafood. (x We were gonna watch a movie, but then it was late, so they decided not to. Seejay's dad drove through the Strip, and I fell asleep on Seejay while they were talking. I didn't even notice I fell asleep until I woke up. (: All in all, I had a really nice time.
I told my sister about last night, and she kept getting mad at me because I have so much more freedom then she did at my age. Her curfew was when the street lights turned on. (x She told me that its strange to her that I go on family outings with my boyfriend, and she hasn't even properly met her FIRST boyfriend's parents. Keep in mind she's 27 years old.

Today, Valentine's Day, I went to Jannellynn's house. It was the first time I ever had a Valentine. Anyway, the people there were Me, Seejay, Beau, Trinity, Jannellynn, Arjay, Mark, and a whole bunch of Jannellynn's family. It was partially nice. When Seejay, Beau and I first got there, the boys were just skating while Jannellynn, Trinity and I just talked and whatnot. We went inside and ate, and then went upstairs and started to watch Across the Universe. MARK AND FREAKING ARJAY, freaking manly men that they are, didn't want to watch it. So I yelled at Mark to put in a different movie. We watched a really clear bootleg. :P
After that, I started to really get annoyed but I won't say why. I called Alexis, because she really does make everything better. After the phone call, Seejay and I just sat in the corner being really quiet because of everything that was going through our minds. I really like being with him, but sometimes we need to talk in privacy. There's barely any room for that.

Tomorrow is Sunday, and we have Monday off. So glad for that. Maybe I'll do something then.

To be honest, the world is really messed up right now. There are people without homes, without food, just trying to make the most out of life while they can. You think you're stressed? Be thankful you have a home and a bed to sleep in. You think your parents hate you? Be lucky you even have parents that care for you, and love you. You think you have it bad? Talk to a child in Africa, or Iraq. Talk to a homeless person in New York. I dare you.

With everyone acting like they're either at the bottom, or at the top, be lucky with what you have. I've been really taking things for granted lately, and I guess having Milk Square for the past four months has really opened my eyes. Picture yourself without having anything except the clothes you're wearing. Alot of people have it like that. Being in the cold, with no jacket.
Be lucky you even have a freaking jacket.

I love this blanket. Its so warm and it smells good. And its camoflauge. [:

On September 23rd, 2009- I'll show you what I've been writing. Ever since 2am, this letter's for You. Its gonna be long, so get ready to read it.

-Butter cookies are bomb
-Having oreos without any milk is not bomb
-I'm proud of being Asian, there's so many yummy foods
-I feel like I talk about food too much
-I really need to start getting healthy
-Never start writing a strongly worded angry letter, then stuff it in your bag and leave it so someone could find it
-Reinvent love;


Thursday, February 12, 2009

If your hair was green, I'd eat it. :3

I...have a secret. But! Don't worry my dumplings, its a good secret. Its kinda based off this dream I had and yeah. :p I guess you can call it a "double life." AND NO, I don't wish to be Hannah Montana. Little h03. xD

So, yeah. That picture is how I feel. Free, happy, and... bright! :D Oh, and I cut my bangs. But you can't really tell. Heheh. :P

This week was pretty much fantastic-fantabulous. Taime and I came up with a plan to destroy all these -cough- ROBOTS. [: It was full of laughter, smiles, and... CRT practice. HoBoy.

-Man it feels like its been forever! Quote from Mitchell Davis, dumplings. (: I haven't been on the computer for a very very long time, [it feels] and I just have to say this. I go through my bulletin pages on MySpace, and I don't know why. I end up reading like two of them. Anyway. Alot these bulletins were from Ministry of Love, which is a local band here in Vegas. They have like three new members now, from when I first started listening to them two years ago. I saw them at Extreme thing, and now I think two or three members have left the band since then. I just thought it was different, because the ex-drummers mother used to come to the shows and run in the circle pit. Just reminiscing. (:

-FREAKIN CRT TESTING. I hate it. All we do is get giant packets that has reviews of stuff we did in 7th grade, and in the beginning of this year. Sure sure, it helps us get a better grade and whatnot, but all those wasted trees in those fat @$$ packets... Dx I had to have three packets open today to do my algebra homework. For my english homework, I have to lug around this giant wad of paper. Ugh. I wasn't ready for all of this on Monday, so when I came home, I immediately laid down on the couch and crashed. I didn't wake up until 7pm, and that wasn't cool. But Seejay stayed on the phone with me, and made me feel better. (:

-Publications So for my yearbook page, I'm doing cheerleading. Weird topic to pick, right? Well, it was better than Yu-Gi-Oh club or Junior Varsity Quiz. :P Anyway, I pretty much finished the page with my faithful partner, Sarah, today. [: All that's left that we need to do are the interviews... which aren't gonna be so fun. No offense, I have no problems at all with the cheerleaders whatsoever... I just don't want to talk to them. Look at me- I call myself original and not a sheepy robot. I have my own likes and dislikes, while everyone else is into GAUGES and COLORED SKINNY JEANS and SNAKEBITES and TEASING THEIR EFFING HAIR. I barely wear colored skinnies anymore, and I don't even tease my hair. Now look at the cheerleaders- (still no offense) They tease their hair, I think two of them have guages, and bleh! I don't want to interview those kind of people. Maybe I'll just do my only friends in there. Monica and Taylor. :P Of course they're asian. xDDD

-YouTube Rec Center video- 2/7/09 I'm really sorry about this! I keep trying to freaking upload it, but it takes freaking forever with all these stupid "Sorry, there was a network error occuring while uploading your video. Please try again." I'll try uploading it again right now, and if it doesn't work, I'll go over to Jannellynn's one day and just use her freaking fabulous and fast computer. :D (That was an alliteration! :D)

-NickNamesNickNamesNickNames So. I've been giving nicknames out to alot of people lately. Its Alexis's fault. :P (and I have dyslexia, just thought I'd put that in there xD)
Alexis, Taime and I have a secret code to our secret identities... Mine is Jem-Purple-Popsicle-Aminal-Kapowee-Asterisk. And yes, that says AMINAL. [: I forgot Alexis's and Taime's, but you'd probably figure out the "secret" if I remembered them. xD
I also named Taime "Taime Poof Toodles" because she kept saying Toodles to me, and last week I named her Poof, so it all just fit. Taime Poof Toodles. Sounds like a cereal, yes? :D
I named Nick in my publications Nickasaur! :D But he doesn't look a thing like him. Short hair, glasses, computer nerd... no way. The only thing they have in common is probably their computer skills. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Oh. And if you ever see me burst into song in an awkward silence... Join me. It'll be less awkward. Plus, I'll love you. If I already don't... love...you. xDDD

Tell me. AM I ALLOWED TO BE THE NEXT LIZA MINELLI?! :D (EvenThoughI'mNotAsPretty)
I just like this picture. Ignore the mess in the back, and just focus on the sign that says
I ♥ U JEM :D b'cuz it was from Alexis. (:
And yes, I'm wearing fishnets, because they're sexy.

The End.

~Captain Jemito Wenito Breadstick[summer 08<3]

Monday, February 9, 2009

Weekly Soundtrack.

I know, I know, its Monday, and I was supposed to post this on Sunday. But I got yelled at yesterday for talking on the phone and being on the computer at 9pm. xD

From 2/1/09 to 2/8/o9; Sorry if there's any repeats from last time's list. (x
This week's list is sort of rain-related songs, since it was cold, windy, and rainy.
Also, alot of songs about missing people. (; <3

1.) Flightless Bird, American Mouth- Iron & Wine
2.) Rainbow Veins- Owl City
3.) Hold Me Tight- The Beatles
4.) I Miss You- Blink 182
5.) The World Has Its Shine- Cobra Starship
6.) You Are So Beautiful- Escape The Fate
7.) Harder Than You Know- Escape The Fate
8.) Chicago is So Two Years Ago- Fall Out Boy
9.) Maps- Yeah Yeah Yeahs (People at Arjay's party know whyyy ;D♥)
10.) Deadbeat Holiday- Green Day
11.) I Want You(She's So Heavy) -The Beatles
12.) I Want You To Want Me- Letters to Cleo (originally Cheap Trick)
13.) Hello Seattle- Owl City
14.) Northern Downpour- Panic At The Disco
15.) Too Much Too Often- Phantom Planet
16.) Meet Me in California- Plain White T's.
17.) Kiss Me- Sixpence None The Richer
18.) Tonight Tonight- Smashing Pumpkins
19.) Karma Police- Radiohead/Cover by Panic At The Disco
20.) And Darling- Tegan and Sara
21.) Lindsay Quit Lollygagging- Chiodos

Sorry I haven't been posting lately, I have no inspiration until this week. So until next time,


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Something to share.

She Was a Phantom of Delight
By William Wordsworth

She was a phantom of delight
When first she gleamed upon my sight;
A lovely Apparition, sent
To be a moment's ornament;
Her eyes as stars of Twilight fair;
Like Twilight's, too, her dusky hair;
But all things else about her drawn
From May-time and the cheerful Dawn;
A dancing Shape, an Image gay,
To haunt, to startle, and way-lay.

I saw her upon a nearer view,
A Spirit, yet a Woman too!
Her household motions light and free,
And steps of virgin liberty;
A countenance in which did meet
Sweet records, promises as sweet;
A Creature not too bright or good
For human nature's daily food;
For transient sorrows, simple wiles,
Praise, blame, love, kisses, tears and smiles.

And now I see with eye serene
The very pulse of the machine;
A Being breathing thoughtful breath,
A Traveler between life and death;
The reason firm, the temperate will,
Endurance, foresight, strength, and skill;
A perfect Woman, nobly planned,
To warm, to comfort, and command;
And yet a Spirit still, and bright,
With something of angelic light.

Just wanted to share a nice poem with you. I pondered after reading it. Its just... nice. (: Hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


This is a wall. A very interesting wall, I might add. Art is beautiful. But I swear, Vegas isn't full of art. Vegas is full of TAGGERS. I want to go to New York, and actually see the real thing. Not this fake crap that has someone's initials written in bubble letters. What weenies. ;P

Anywayy. I can't wait until APRIL! Its when the letter from ECTA comes in to see if I've been accepted. [: I really hope I got in, and then I'm in the education program. Because if I get into the home technology one, I'm gonna electrocute myself. Just like how I accidentally lit a breadstick on fire... xP Glad I didn't apply for culinary arts. :D

So I finished Diary. It had a shocking ending. It kinda scared me though, because the thought of death is just really really unthinkable for me. I don't like it. xP I started Lullaby, and its also scary. I was reading the prolouge two nights ago, and I got super scared so I threw the book on my dresser. Then, I swear I heard my door open but it didn't. So I just laid down statue still, and went to sleep. [x I'm dumb. :P

I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian again, and actually sticking to it. I know I know, its kind of impossible when you're Filipino, and your Aunties & Tita's are always bugging you to eat. (& Also, Alexis told me that I look anorexic, and that when someone looks at me they just wanna feed me) That's besides the point.
I was washing the dishes today, and I had to throw out old milk. ORGANIC MILK. I love organic things. And I felt bad doing it(even though its soo gross and smelly) because a cow had its boobies squeezed just for that shiet to come out. I mean, if farmer brown honked mine, I'd slap him silly. But then again I'm not a cow. BUT IF I WAS A COW. That's what I would do.
Then I started to feel bad that people actually eat tortured animals. And enjoy it. That's what grosses me out, even though I eat that stuff too.
So, for the next few days, I'm gonna research if being a vegetarian again is healthy for someone my age. Or I just might become a pescetarian. (<- - I have no idea how to spell that. Hopefully I got it right ;P)

+ Christina Perri as amazing
+ Algebra homework is becoming easier
+ Never scream "I'MMMMM THIRRRRSSTTTYYYYY" at lunch
+ Across the Universe is the best movie ever
+ Backpacks save my life (:
+ I sold yearbooks to TWO people! Am I a good salesperson? ;D xD

All my loving,