Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Last Call On The Dance Floor, Baby Let's Roll Into The Stars Tonight!<3

I wanna see the sunriseee. :D
Preferably one like this. (: -->

So, all day today, I've been singing TRT, and M.I.A. Haha, its kinda weird that they both have three letters in their name. :]

I know I'm mean. Its in my blood. Example, whenever someone just likes a band for ONE of their popular songs, I get all mad. Like "Oh, that band has better songs than that!" But really, I do stuff like that too.

I had an epiphany two weekends ago, and I'm gonna stop trying to be mean like that. I know it was my new year's resolution, but so far its not really working out. So, starting recently, I've been nicer to people. :D

Today, after school, there were these three old dudes in the grass fields handing out MINI ORANGE BIBLES. They are so cool. They were like "You can have one, if you're going to use it." And when I got in the car and told my sister, she said "If you read an excerpt from this everyday, I'll be happy."
She said that she's religious because when she reads the bible, she can connect with what people wrote thousands of years ago. I think that's cool. :]

Right now, I'm listening to Love It Or Leave It. Its the first time I've listened to them. I'm listening to the song called "You, Me, and this Christmas tree." I don't know why I've been singing Christmas-related songs this week. That's besides the point; Its a cute little song. :D

[I'm pretty much just rambling right now, so deal with it. :D]

Instead of using Google, you should use this website called Blackle. Its exactly like google, except that the site is black instead of white. Using a black screen saves energy, because using a white screen uses alot of energy. So yeah, go green, yo. (Or in this case...Black. xD I love you, Taime! :D)

-CJM, TEG, GEC. They all make me happy. ;]
-I'm hungry........................FOR NEW MUSIC! :D
-My children will know The Beatles better than any other band.
-The last days of this school year will be KILLER! :DDDDDDDD

Fare Thee Well,

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