Sunday, May 10, 2009

Missing In Action!

As the title clearly says, I have been missing in action. [from blogspot.] So many events have taken place! I'll just have to tell you them all. ;]

So, on April 18th, and on May 1st, I went to two concerts that This Romantic Tragedy performed at. This Romantic Tragedy is a local band here in Las Vegas that are getting more and more popular with each day. :D There's six band members- Jay Cammilleri on vocals[singing&screamo], Kyle Huender on guitar, Gabe Centeno on keyboard/vocals[mostly screamo], David Diaz on vocals/guitar[singing], Carlin Leavitt on bass, and Mark Neuhardt on drums.

The April 18th one was FREE at galleria mall. I know it was a while ago, but it was still a fun day. I just started listening to TRT, and their genre is screamo/electronica. I like ittt. :D I loved their music when I heard this show, so I listened to them more often.
During the day, Taime, Jannellynn & I went crazy trying to find Gabe, so we can take a picture with him. Taime & I made him bracelets. By the time we found him, THE BRACELETS DIDN'T FIT! D: So he didn't put them on. x[ But we finally got our picture with him. :D
Meanwhile, Taime & I had our "post-concert-obsession." Its this fettish we have. After a concert, we get obsessed with the band we saw. :]
Jannellynn, Gabe, Taime, Me, and Seejay. :D
Taime's short. xD

The May 1st one was super duper fun. I got pictures with all the band members, and even got Gabe's phone number. ;D But I'm not allowed to give it out. He made me pinky swear. :3 We were front row [duh] and I had a really good time. I was jumping and singing along this time. So booyahh. :D Taime & I had made bigger bracelets since the April 18th concert, and we wore them up until May 1st. We found Gabe outside, and we were like "WE MADE YOU BIGGER BRACELETS!!" and he was like "YESS!" And he put them on, and they fit! PERFECTLY! :DDD

[I look gross in the pictures, so ignore the ugliness ;D]
Me, Jay, Taime, and Erica.
Erica covered my face! Dx

Me, Gabe, and Taime.
He wanted us to be BR00T4L. :D

Taime, David, Me, and Erica.
David wasn't ready. xD

Me, Mark, and Taime.
This is a good one. :D

Me, Kyle, and Taime.
Kyle looks pretty high. xD

Me, Carlin and Taime.
Kinda blurry. x]


On May 2nd, my publications class, dance, and step team took a longgg drive to California to go to Knotts Berry Farm! The bus ride was weird...Jannellynn and I sat way up front, so we were right by Ms.Qustandi and her boyfriend[James] while everyone was socializing and having fun towards the back of the bus. I slept most of the way there...[Considering I was having fun at a TRT concert, and staying up til 1:30am because Seejay didn't get picked up from my house until then... ;D]

For breakfast, we stopped in Barstow at McDonalds. Eeew. It was pretty cool though, because there were trains you could play in by the front. :D Jannellynn & I ate hash browns & apple dippers. ;] You have to admit, apples and caramel are pretty dang good. [do you say car-mal or care-ah-mel? :D]

Finally, after a bajillion hours, we arrived to Knotts! It was my first time there, but I was too chicken to go on any of the scaryy rides. The only intense one was this thingy where you sit on it, and your feet hang down, and it flips the chairs over and over in the air. It hurt me and Jannellynn's crotch. x[ The first couple hours at Knotts, Jannellynn & I hung out with Kris and Nick. Then, Katherine, and Jessica joined. After that, Monica and Tjay joined us. After that, Mariel, Violet and Daniella came. Then Victoria and Sarah. Then Taylor, Chelsea and Cindy. The whole publications class was together. :D

I think one of our favorite rides was the water ride. Not the almost-90-degree-angle one, the one where you sit in a circular boat, and it takes you down a river flowin thing. I went on it like a billion times. Before the day was out, the whole class went on two boats. The boat Jannellynn & I were on was considered 'The Party Boat' because we were really crazy and hyper and everyone wanted to ride with us. xD On our boat was Jannellynn, Sarah, Monica, Tjay, Mariel, and me.
Mariel was so funny! She was screaming at the top of her lungs for the whole ride! &We didn't even get wet that much! I almost pissed my effing pants, because she was being so silly! xDD

We had like three funnel cakes! They're so yummy & addicting! xD
Jannellynn & I got matching brass knuckles necklaces. ;D Nick spent forever trying to find a token machine because he wanted to play an Initial D game in the arcade. He didn't even beat it. He got super mad afterwards. xD

Ahhh, so much happened that day but I can't really remember. x]

The bus ride home was pretty weird. Jannellynn's parents were in California at the time, so Jannellynn just stayed with them. Mariel sat with me at first on the bus, then she invited me to sit with her, Violet, and Daniella.
[It was cute because Violet was texting Beau, and Seejay was with Beau, who was telling Violet to tell me that Seejay misses & loves me. x3]
I didn't bring any pillows or blankets, and everyone looked so cozy just snoozing with their giant body pillows, and fleece blankets. So, on the way home, I slept in fetal position just listening to TRT, with my hood on my head. [not to mention my jacket was still wet from that water ride.]

Finally arriving back in Vegas, I was so relived. I stepped off the bus, and the warm Vegas weather just made me happy. It was a long day, and I was happy to chat with my sister for the car ride home. Unfortunately, I was expecting a warm welcome when I got home from my mom and nephew. [sister was going out] But I walked in, and the house was uber quiet. I checked the bedrooms, and they were both SLEEPING! So I felt lonely, and called Seejay. x]

Knotts Berry Farm Pictures! :D
Mariel & I had an interesting moment. :o

Tjay & I chillin like a villian w/ Ronald McDonald. :D

Jannellynn & I by teh waterfall. :D

Insidee! :D
L-R: Nick, Katherine, Taylor, Monica, Tjay, Jannellynn.

Insidee. :D
L-R: Monica, Jannellynn, Me, Nick.

Waiting in line for the water ride. :D
Me & Mariel. I look retarded. xD

Bizarre-ness ;D

These are just pictures from May 3rd. :]
Fun day. :D

Taime & Me!♥

Me and my twin Jason!
Do we look alike? x]

Me trying to be taller than Kevin.

One of the best pictures ever!
one tiny thing though xP

That's all I have for now. I guarantee you that I'll be blogging some more. Ta-ta! :D

1 comment:

andeezyROOLZ said...

Feel free to crop me out of the last photo~