Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mellifluous- my new favorite word. :D

Hey. :D

So, I over reacted a little last night, and I'm sorry for that. I'm just emotional. I mean, c'mon. That's part of being a girl. I hope you forgive me. :3

Anyway, I have somethings to talk about. This week has been interesting. I have some goods, some bads, some in-betweenies. xD But overall, it was good good. There's just times when I need to turn, smile, shift and repeat. ;D

Hm, do I use smiley faces too much? I don't care. :D

-Gonna write a song about CORAALINE! It was the bombesttttttt! Seejay, Alexis, Quin and I went to go watch CORALINE in 3D at TOWNSQUARE! [actually Town27-a-gon now ;D] It was raining alot alot alot, and we were late going into the movie theater. I think that's something that always happens to me. (x Alexis and I were laughing through the movie, and kept hitting each other. xD AND we jumped at the scary parts like 5times. After the movie, we went to Yogurtland, but I didn't get anything because it was too cold. The car ride was the best time of that night! I didn't know that Quin was so funny. Oh, and I'm a secret spy(; After we dropped the three off, my sister and I went to Albertson's, and I took so many pictures of the funny things there. xD Like there was this box of chicken wings, and the chicken was in a shape of a heart. xDD Very fun day♥

-People & things. I've been proven wrong; there are really good people out there. Even though I don't like it, I judge people really quickly. I don't really intend to, but I mean come on. Look at the year we're in. We can't go a day without judging ANYTHING. Whether we're at the grocery, or in public. Oh, this bread looks more healthier. or- Ew, that girl looks like a poser. Yes, I do these things. Who doesn't. The reason I do this though, is kind of for myself. Who doesn't want to be happy. I do this because I'm glad I'm not anything close to that. Those people out there who are doing good in the world- I respect you. Greatly.

-Writing writing? Usually, I'm always writing something. Always. In my spare time, or at school, always. Its my thing. But lately, its like all my inspiration went away. I can't describe a meadow, or see it in my head. I write down what's in my mind. I don't know what happened, I guess it was a change in something. I'm slowly coming back, by writing experiences. Maybe I'll share one with you one day.

-Chase Coy An amazing boy. His lyrics are brilliant, and I hope he doesn't become one of those people that becomes a jerk when they get signed. I don't even know if he's signed. xD But anyway. No one I knew never heard of Chase Coy a year ago. Only Monica. I started listening to him because of her, then Trinity did then Brandon, then freaking everyone. Whatever, y'know. I don't really care anymore. I'm just tired of sheep.

That reminds me, there won't be a playlist this week. I'm on a downloading quest for new music.

Those of you who take the time to read my rants and opinions, thanks. It means something. (:

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