Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm makin a list, &you bet I'm checkin it twice.

See if you can find the only flaw in that picture. Its like a big red light to me, I can't look at the picture without looking at the flaw. And yes, I took that myself. :P

Imagination. What I would say about it, are swallows[birds], trees, forests, all these nature related things. But the things I actually like, are kind of indescribable. I like puppets, and buttons. Staircases, and clouds. I like the sun, and I like babies. I like m&m's, and skyscrapers. I like weeping willows, and red windmills. I like victorian dresses, and fishnet stockings. I like big band music, and soft acoustic. I like many things, and all of them are part of my mind, and part of me. [Cheesey much? Let's get to the point. xP]

"Like a flying car with wings and square tires, with a punk Spongebob driving, and talking in a foreign language of sum41 [some] sort."
^^that's imagination.^^

The things that run through my mind during the day are realistic, and not fantasy. Do you get what I mean? It seems like when someone defines imagination, they automatically think of fantasy. Dragons and unicorns, rainbows and sparkly flowers. Not everyone is like that. This is called stereotyping. Its called profiling, and I could really live without it. Have you ever seen the movie Shallow Hal? I wish I my mind could be like that. I want to be able to see people for what they are, and not what they look like. It wouldn't necessarily be the exact deal from Shallow Hal, it would sort of be like a superpower. Look at someone without judging, without stereotyping, and without giving them a name. Like "big haired gangster girl" or "short skater asian kid." I'm sick of this world, and I want to live life with something more. More than just names.

Something that's nice to look at, is when the droplets on a foggy mirror start to slide down. The fog kinda disappears, and the water droplets just make their way down, soon to pool up on the edge of the mirror, and then evaporate. Its something we never think about. Inspiration hit me on a rainy day, and its the exact same thing. Rain comes down, and makes everything gray. It pools up on the streets and then evaporates then its gone. Showers & foggy mirrors are the exact same way. We take a shower, makes the mirror foggy, then the same process occurs. Repeat step one. Its just something I thought about the other day. :P

Sunday again! Here's the playlist. Very short, for I've been kinda busy. The theme is rain. And calming things, just stuff I've been listening to.

1.) Rainy Monday- Shiny Toy Guns
2.) Kiss the Rain- Yiruma
3.) Your Biggest Fan- NeverShoutNever! [not demo version]
4.) Where We Went Wrong- The Hush Sound
5.) Turn Smile Shift Repeat- Phantom Planet

That's it for now folks. Sorry for the frequent blog posts. I'll probably post one next friday; be lucky for the heads up. xD

P.S So far, 2009 has been killer. ♥


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