Friday, April 10, 2009

I miss having black eyeliner.

Jannellynn is seriously one of my best friends. We were trying to do a "1-2-3-4" thing, but instead of using two fingers in the last one, Jannellynn used her whole hand. xD And freaking Nick in the back. Such a stalker. :] And if you don't get the picture, listen to "1, 2, 3, 4" by the Plain White T's. ;D
(BTW. Jannellynn, if you're reading thiss; I'M HAPPY FOR YOUUUU. :D♥ )

-Spring Break! is going really well! On Saturday [April 4th], it was Christine's birthday!! I couldn't believe that a year had already passed since her last party. It was pretty fun, hehe. Erica was the first one to greet me, and she had a flower in her hair. :] Cheyenne freeaking stole my phonee!! Like she always does, but still! I have my personal things on thereee. x]] Seejay and I went upstairs for a while, and talkedd. I think I have a problem with peopleee. xD

Monday[April 6th], was my sister, Janey's, birthday. I dressed nicely kinda, my fam-bam went to Chevy's. :D It was my mother, my three sisters, and my nephew. It was good fun, especially when my sister got a little drunk, and kept talking in different voices. xD

Tuesday[April 7th] my sister, Joy, asked if I wanted to go with her to a party. They were celebrating Cambodian New Year at a banquet hall. It was interesting. Seejay got to go with me, and we got there around 6 or 7. x] When we got in line to get our food, Seejay saw someone from school, and they were talking, so that was nicee. :] THENNN I saw this kid DANNY. Not Danny, our funny Danny. A different one, that freaked me out last school year. I saw him behind us in line, and I thought I recognized him. But I didn't think it was, so I shook it off. But I guess the Danny kid tapped Seejay on the shoulder or something, and then pretended he didn't do anything. Seejay told me that he went to his school, and that he went to my school last year. So I was like "OHMEHHGAWDD ITS HIM." So, I was paranoid for a few minutes and just kept my head down at our table for a while. x] I laid lowww. ;D
After everyone ate, the Cambodian band started playing, and everyone was dancing. It got suuuppper uber hot in there, so Seejay and I went outside to talk. He got hyper, and he's always so jumpy when he's hyper. xD
My sister made us come in after about an hour, because she didn't want us to get kidnapped. x] My nephew was tired when we came in, so after a while, he fell asleep on me and Seejay. His head and torso was on Seejay's lap, while his legs were on mine. And Seejay's jacket was his blanket. It was soooooooooooo friggen cute. I wish I could have taken a picturee. x3

Today, [technically, in my head, still April 9th, even though its past midnight ahahha xD] I was in such an Owl City mood. I've been listening to Owl City all day, and I even started drawing AND writing because of it. I was practicing my printing not handwriting. I consider printing to be the different "fonts" I can write in. Haha, I'm such a nerd. xD

-Other Family♥ If I had a family made of people we all knew, this would be my family: My parents are Audrey Hepburn and George Harrison. My brothers are Brendon Urie, Zach Braff, and Demetri Martin. [The other relatives are pretty trivial, so I'm not gonna mention them.]

As I was watching Scrubs today, an inspirational episode got me thinkin. If Zach Braff was my brother, I'd appreciate the advice he'd give, and the laughs we'd make. I wouldn't take it for granted if we both were insanely hyped up enough to stay awake for a full 24 hours. That day would be filled with 50% laughter, and probably 50% advice/problems. Problems from me, of course. :b

If Demetri Martin was my brother, it would be soo epic. His creative mind, and silly drawings would keep me laughing for hours. Also, I'd try to beat him at a game of Cranium. [probably Zach on his side, Brendon on mine] He'd be a really great brother because he would be able to make me laugh. And that's a big deal for me. I try to laugh as much as I can. :]

If Brendon Urie was my brother, the musical talent he'd teach me would be GREAT!! I mean come on, he could teach me guitar, bass, piano, and...accordian I think? xD All I know is that Brendon is a master at instruments. Another plus to Brendon, is that he's loud and crazy. All the time. I wouldn't mind that in a million years. ;]

To sum it all up: Zach Braff would be a perfect brother because he can give advice. Demetri Martin would be a brilliant brother because he can make people laugh with the simplest of things. Brendon Urie would be an amazing brother because he's talented, and insane at the same time. [For nicknames, they would be: Zach, Peachy, and Bear. (can't come up with one for Zach xD)]

That's it for tonight. Hard to believe that I typed this all up in about a half hour, huh? I guess I had alot to say. Cherry-byee!


P.S. If you're freaking out about the family thing, its okay. I dream WAY more than I should. :]

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