Friday, April 3, 2009

Bumblebees and stars. :D

Well hello thereeee! I guess every Friday is my blogging day. x]
This is a really amazing bag. Yes, yes, I know its just a bag, but c'mon. REINVENT♥ It even has a pretty print on the inside. Its spacious, and fits all my stuff. Unlike my Beatles bag, hahaha. :D

Today was so perfect in the morning. It felt so nice- sunny and breezy. My favorite. But then when it came to lunch[12pm] it was cloudy, windy, and rainy! It was cold, and terrible! You know I hate the rain now. x[

ANYWAYYY!! I've been greattt! This week was the last week before spring break [Whoo-hoo!] and it was really kind of simple. These weekdays were really good for me, and I'm so excited to relax over the weekend and spring break!! I wish we had two weeks, but unfortunately, we only have one week. But its alright, I better make the best of it. (:

My sister suggested that I bring a friend, and we could have a road trip to California. I don't know about you, but I LOVE ROAD TRIPS!! I don't know why, but driving at night, getting gasoline at 3am, and finally arriving just entertain me. x] Annnddd we might go to the beach; though I'd much prefer the pier. I love the colddd there, and all those little shops. I think my favorite shops at Pier 21 in San Francisco are the Sock Shop, and the Candy Baron. They sell this candy bar called the Violet Crumble there, and its freaking A M A Z I N G! Its like heaven in your mouth. Mmmm, now I want one. :D

I finished The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, and it was simply amazing. I can tell why the movie was 3 and a half hours long- it was because the book skipped a lot of Benjamin's life. Like in one part of the book, it would be telling how Benjamin was in grade school, then it'd skip to when he applied for college. By the time I finished it, the next morning, I had been asking my mom all these questions about it. Because, as you can predict, as Benjamin turns about 80 years old, he's in the form of a baby. So, I asked my mom if his internal clock would reverse, so by the time he's like... 200, he'd actually look 200 years old. She said no, and that he would probably already be dead by 200. Then I asked her, that if Benjamin got older, the baby phase would get younger. I asked if by the time Benjamin reaches maybe 90 years old, he'd be a fetus. [Mom laughed real hard at that] She said no, because a fetus is INSIDE the mother. She said that Benjamin would just continue to age, and eventually just stay as a newborn. But yeah, you should read the book. Its interesting. :]

As this school year is ending, I'm gonna miss the following things:
+Inside jokes with the boys, [Cjay, Jason, Nick, Dennis, Aaron] and Taime.
+ The laughter I always hear at lunch. :] (Both 2nd and 4th lunch)
+ The stupid comments made in English class from Eric, Emilio, and Zhawne. [class clowns if you ask me. xD]
+PUBLICATIONSSS! I'm gonna miss my Mommie, T.J! Even though he's a boy, he's a good mommie. Except that my curfew is too early. xD I'm gonna miss those iMacs, and all those silly videos with Jannellynn. :]
+Sneaking food and falling asleep while taking notes in science class. x]
+MOST IMPORTANTLY; The laughs I've had in GEOGRAPHY!!

Geography is seriously my favorite class. I sit by Cjay, Jason, and Katrina. We're always taking with Mr.Hejduk[or as we call him- Mr.Duckie] and laughing, and he laughs with us. I'm always being clever with him, Jason asks him a million questions, and Katrina just says the randomest things to him. He gets along really well with us. Like today for instance, he let me read a book to the class! xD I think we're his favoritessssss. ;D
I think the reason why we get along with him so well, is because he's so YOUNG!! He recently became 24 in March. He's younger than TWO of my sisters. Daang, right? :P Anyway, he's such a bomb teacher. I just wish all the ignorant kids would give him a break. x]

I'm happy that Ryan's happy in California. He put this link on his Twitter and said "This is how you write songs." I clicked the link, and it was a song called "Say You Don't Mind" by Colin Blunstone. Its a nice song. Colin's voice is silky, but energetic at the same time. There's strings in the song, and that's what I like about it. You'd expect to hear this in a "running-through-the-sunflower-field" scene, y'know? Haha. :]

I'm on the hunt for some new music, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be more than happy to look into them. Right now, I'm likin indie, soft acoustic, and classical. I have this Debussy CD, and I absolutely love it. So leave a few artists or songs in a comment, I'd appreciate it. Thankss. :D


P.S- I have ten followers! That's amazingggg. :D
P.P.S- I can't wait to work on the 8th Grade Slideshoww! You 8th graders at school will like it toooo. ;]
P.P.P.S- I love webcams.

^^That's mah hairr. Looks like a fake mustache, huh? :D^^



andeezyROOLZ said...

OMG I LOVE YOUR BAG! I didn't know it
was a P!ATD bag. It makes me love it even moree.

DearJannellynn said...

i wanna borrow the curious case of benjamin button. :)