Friday, March 27, 2009


Hello dumplings. Tonight is a Friday night. And I am in the mood for soft acoustic, tea, and a good book. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with babysitting, in order to go to Milk Square's casa tomorrow. :]

I found out what FML means... Not cool! I haven't used a term like that since the 6th grade. Which, believe it or not, was not too long ago. But yes, it some cases it is. d:

My nephew is watching the episode of Spongebob, entitled "Bubblestand." The one where Spongebob teaches Patrick and Squidward how to blow bubbles, and Squidward ends up screaming up his bubble. Mako just thinks that's hilarious. xD [He just hit his head on the corner of the bed from laughing so hard]
I started a new game of Kingdom Hearts today, and it made me realize that I'm a KH nerd. I found 75 dalmations, almost all of the Trinities, and I even have three of the songs from the video game, DOWNLOADED. Yes. I rock.

-End of the grading period! Yes, this means spring break is NEXT WEEK! Whoo. I have two field trips coming up- Dance/Step team had 21 seats open on their charter bus, so they invited Publications to go with them!! :D Its only 40 dollars, and there's 19 of us students, and then Ms.Qustandi. So we all can fit. Hehe. I'm excited. The second one is the 8th grade field trip. We go to the adventure dome for the whole day, come back and watch the 8th grade slideshow, then go to what remaining time we have for 6th period. :D
We barely have any photos for the 8th grade slideshow. In publications, we've been watching movies all week, because we don't have any photos to slide. xD

-6 Months; half a year. The greatest has happened. Monday, March 23rd, was my 6 month with Seejay. We spent the whole day together at the rec, and at my house. (x Six months is half a year [duh] and I can't wait for the other half of the year to be with him. :]♥ We've never broken up once, and never had a fight. We're cool. :D

-Literature. I got two new books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald.Its amazing how the movie for Benjamin Button is 3 and a half hours long, but the book is only 60 pages. I've had it for quite a while now, but I haven't finished it because I'm really into Pride and Prejudice. (x
My mother said that its best to read all those classics now, because I'll just have to read them in high school anyway. :] With authors such as Shakespeare, Hemmingway, Austen, Bronte, all that good stuff. I just hope that I'll understand it all by then. I have like 20 vocab words written down in my notebook already. xD

Just an update, really. Tell me something that happened to you this week that made you really happy. I'd love to hear about it. :]
Nighty night, folk.


1 comment:

DearJannellynn said...

(in the kind of 'i love you ateh' way.)