Saturday, December 6, 2008

I am floating away, lost in a silent ballet. (:

Because Cobra Starship is FTW. <3

Ooh, I haven't updated in so long. (: Well dearies, I feel fantastic. I didn't really "disappear" but it felt like it in my mind. So I'm better now. :D

I have so many things to say! Some of them good, some of them bad. I think I'll start out with the good ones first. (:

-The Madrigal Assembly. Yesterday, we had an assembly during first period, and LVHS was visiting our school to perform. :D I was actually excited to watch it because A) The director was my old choir teacher and B) I sorta kinda miss being in choir. xD Anyway, most of their stuff was A Capella. It was amazing. During the first song, the basses were singing as drums, and the altos were singing, and the sopranos were just blowing me away. I wish I was that talented. But yeah, me & Wesley were sitting in front of these gangstery people, and they were making fun of the performers, which really ticked me off. They're like "oh that sounds so stupid." And whenever they would start another song, they'd be like "Another one?! Jeez." It was so retarded. I was saying to Wesley, "If they knew how much time & effort it took to practice for these performances, they wouldn't be making fun of it." And then I wondered in my head, "let's see them do it." Even though the performance was sooo good, I couldn't help but rant about those judgmental jerks. xP

-Owl City. I have discovered this new singer named Adam Young, but his music is under the name of Owl City. Its him singing, with the help of his laptop to create electronic beats to flow beautifully with his music. I added "Hello Seattle" to my profile, and its wonderful. He sings about the ocean alot, because he loves it. And the way the electronics are, makes you feel like you wanna go swimming. I think its so talented how some artists are able to make their songs remind you of what their intentions were. Of course, there isn't just a laptop featured in Adam's songs. There's some piano, xylophone, and a female singer in two of the songs. Its pretty. :'D

-I cut my hair! Well actually, Alexis did. She cut my layers, and now I can tease it again! :D<3 I missed my dear teasing comb, and aussie hairspray. She cut my bangs too, and I freaking love it. Like in the picture above with my Jannellynn, I think my hair is fantastic. (:

-Seejay's birthday. Oh, my lover's birthday party was amazing. Mark & I had a tea competition, and I won. Thirteen people tried it, and Beau was like "Oh my gawd, Jem. That tea was sooo good. It warms you up, and it smells so good. ITS ORGASMIC." xDD I love Beau. (: I bet Mark's mad at me for talking about it so much. xD And now Seejay wants me to make him tea everyday. :D I can sure do that. (x Alexis took me around Seejay's neighborhood, and we looked at Christmas lights while listening to Frank Sinatra. He's one heck of a guy. :D We also skipped down Seejay's street singing "This is For Real" by Motion City Soundtrack. Alexis, Jannellynn, Erica, Cheyenne, and I sang "Purple Dog" by Bless The Fall and "Best Friend" by Toy Box. :DD Only because its that good of a song(; Mark, Arjay and Andrew were acting like cholos all night, it was so annoying. xD Mark was like "Shut up, cabrone." and I said "Doesn't that mean b*tch?" and he said "Yeah." xDD Nate, Eddie, Kiran, Beau, Erica, Mark, Alexis, and Seejay were watching Death Race, which is violent and gorey so I didn't want to watch. Dx I sat in the other room with Jannellynn, Arjay, Sai, Andrew, and Cheyenne. (: I had to leave kinda early, and when I did, I gave Seejay a big hug, and he picked me up when I wasn't expecting it, and I screamed and I felt bad. (x In conclustion; I HAD SO MUCH FUN. <3

-A Picture With Books & Reinvent love: 2009. Now is the sad topic. )': I didn't preorder fast enough, so now I can't get A Picture With Books, only Live In Chicago. Oh well, I'll get it at Target for fourteen dollars, then hopefully get the Pretty. Odd. deluxe editon for Christmas, and then I'll have every DVD that Panic ever made. (: The PATDforums did a whole "Reinvent Love for 2009" and what we had to do was take a picture of ourselves making a heart with your hands. Then somewhere on the picture, write your real name, user name, reinvent love 2009, and proud member of the PATDfourms. I forgot the deadline was December 2nd, so I was completely left out. )': And I wanted to do it really bad with all my friends, so I could reinvent love with the people I love. But it didn't happen. D':

-Algebra! I used to have an F in algebra because I failed my quiz, and didn't turn in an assignment. Then I raised it to a D. And now, I have a B minus! ^.^ I'm so proud of myself for bringing it up that high. We still have more assignments, so maybe before winter break I could get it up to an A. :DD Math was always hard for me, that's why I think this is such a big accomplishment. (:

Wow. That was alot of topics, in short time. Usually it takes me hours to write a blog. I guess I should skip daily blogging more often. (:

Oh, and if you're reading this, I want you to leave a comment finishing this sentence:
If I could do anything...

I just want to be entertained. (:
Happy Holidays!<3


1 comment:

bria ballerina said...


ps. i wanna follow yer blog! can you fix yer blog so that i can? hehe, i would love that. :D