Friday, December 26, 2008

The last blog of 2008.

After this, I'm not gonna post anymore blogs until the new year. So.. yeah. This is gonna be long. Prepare yourself with random pictures and scattered memories. :D Sorry if its too long. I need to preserve 2008 somehow. xD


January 1st- Brianne[my cousin], my sister and I had an 80's night for new years. I didn't really do anything, just walk around feeling like a weirdo, even though I liked it. :D
L-R: Brianne, Me, Mako, Joy.

January 12th- Katrina's birthday at the Adventure Dome. I was too scared to go on any of the "big" rides, so I only went on the water ride. xD The sleepover was too much fun, we made videos about an a guy and a girl with an abusive relationship and an ignored daughter who ran away. xD And we actually broke a wine glass on accident. xDDDD Glowsticks and the sims were played with throughout the night. And, I did Briana's hair and she looked like the statue of liberty. And when they took the picture, I put my finger on her glasses. I was sugar high. [:

January 15th- Finally started to wear eyeliner. xD

And yes, this is what I used to look like. :x
That there is so gross.


February 9th
- Matthew's birthday party. I went to his party clad in dark colors. The people who attended were me, Alexis[before we were close], Kahlia, Wesley, Alan, Quin, and some others that I probably don't remember. When I got there, they were having a water balloon fight, and I didn't want to participate. Wesley arrived soon after I did, and I never really talked to him until then. Matthew popped a balloon on his head, and I was like "not the hair! It'll get frizzy. Well, mine does." xD I got really hyper once we ate some food, and I planted a mushroom in Matthew's yard. Even though it was full of rocks. (: Alexis, Me, Kahlia, Briana, and Katrina had a Panic! At the Disco dance party. [back when they still had the !] We were just dancing to it in the street on Alexis's phone while the boys played football. Then somehow, we started talking about anarchy, and I screamed out ANARCHY IS A TREEENNNDD! And Alan stopped playing just to glare at me. My bad. (x Ehh, and after that, Alan started hitting on me the whole night and bleh. The rest isn't important.

Alan, Matthew, and Quin. Quin never smiles in pictures.

Alexis got sugar high off of these juice boxes.

The "I-didn't-know-this-picture-was-taken-even-though-the-camera-was-right-in-front-of-me" picture. :P

February 11th-13th- Alan related things. Basketball game, rec center, and bleh.

February 14th- What I declared at that period of time "the worst day of my life." Yeah, it was valentines day, screw that. :D


March 1st- One of the best days in my entire life. (: Cjay's birthday! :D It was sooo much fun at the Adventure Dome. Monica, Chris, Nate, Shelley and others were there. (: I didn't really know Shelley that much. xD So I spent all day with Cjay, Monica, Chris, and Nate. (x We went around the whole theme park so much, and Monica and I took pictures at every mirror. Because we are camera wh0r3$. xD And Monica wouldn't stop putting her legs on things. A gate, a pole, a token machine.. (x Monica & I bought Cjay these birthday glasses, and they were big and red. :D We were the last ones there besides his family, so we went to the other part that's on the second floor. I think. (x We went to all the little shops, and restaurants, then finally went back to the theme park. Our first Asian family was made at the laser tag place. xD Me & Cjay were now married. xDD

A penguin that Cjay won, wearing his birthday glasses and "holding" a gun. xD

Cjay & Monica putting their legs on Zoltar. xD

March 15th- Me & Cjay divorced. For good reasons. xDD

March 17th-18th- First time ever talking to Seejay. We talked about buttons that ended the world, and planning retro day; a day where we wore anything retro. :D

It says "yea i am scared of your button cuz i might randomly skate on to it and destroy everything XD"

March 28th- Retro Day at school. Me, Beau, Nate, Seejay, wore our retro clothes, and Monica just told everyone else to wear colored skinny jeans. So people I didn't even know participated in our "retro" day. After that Seejay, Beau, Nate and I went to the mall for a long period of time. xD Me and Beau would always run and jump...Like we'd run in the middle of the mall and then jump. It was fun. So all of us were jumpy the rest of the night. xD We established our official hangout, The Dressing Room. Its a huge @$$ dressing room in the men's section of JC Penny and that day, we just sat there talking about zombies. But then Beau and Nate had the idea of dressing each other up. So, I was a gangster guy, Beau was a girl in a bikini/shirt thing, Nate was like a 7-year old girl xDD, and Seejay was supposed to be an elderly woman, but he just turned out to be a terrorist. (x
Seejay trying to peek while Beau was changing into his bikini. xD

Our dressing room. (:

March 29th- EXTREME THING! Seejay was supposed to come, but he didn't get to. ]: Anyway. It was a fun, exhausting day. Monica, Jannellynn, and Alisha all carpooled with me. People who were there: Me, Monica, Jannellynn, Alisha, Cheyenne, Tatiana, Trinity, Jacob, Celina, Alan, Erick, Chelsey, Marissa, and probably some other people that I forgot. It was a really fun day, I saw Escape the Fate, Sky Eats Airplane, Scary Kids Scaring Kids, Chiodos, Nonpoint, and Ministry of Love. I fell into my first moshpit at Escape the Fate. It was something I won't forget. xD Me and Monica got squished by everyone, and I didn't know how to react except when people just started aggrestively pushing each other so I was like "Oh my gosh. This is the moshpit." So when people started getting rude, I pushed them really hard. And I felt proud of myself. (: People were crowdsurfing left and right, and one girl even fell down and got a nosebleed. D: Concerts are a really great place to meet new people. Monica and I were probably talking to people left and right. But the thing I found funny was that later that night I had like 18 missed calls and 11 voicemails. And all of the voicemails were like "where are you? come to the grass." or "where are you? meet us by the snacks." or "where are you? we're by the main stage, and in this moment is performing. come over here." xDD Idk, I just found that funny. Oh, and extreme thing was the first time Craig Mabbit performed with Escape the Fate. (: The weather was so HOT during the day, we were all dying. Dx But by nightfall, me and Monica were freezing our bodies off. We came to extreme thing in just denim shorts and black tank tops. [we matched on purpose.]
Monte, Craig, and Max. Probably one of the best pictures I took.


April 5th- Christine's birthday. First time going to Seejay's house. (x Everyone basically played rockband all day, or skated outside. Of course Erica, Jannellynn and I just watched. xD Oh, and there was a jumpy house thing, and whenever someone would go inside it, someone always had to call the emo corner. xD It was originally Erica's I think, but then Nate stole it. I don't know. xD I got mad because I kept having to put on my shoes, then take off my shoes, and I like my laces a certain way, so it'd take forever just to put on my shoes. (x Me & Jannellynn made up this thing called "superhero skateboard" and we sat back to back and traveled on the skateboard while one of us made superhero poses. xD I remember singing Escape the Fate with Seejay out in the backyard.. that was fun. The day I first started talking to Adrienne. (: Also the first time I started talking to Chad. And I think his sister was there too. When we sang happy birthday to Christine, I think it was Jannellynn who put icing on her nose, and then a whole cake face fight started. (: Luckily, all I got was my hand with icing. xD

Christine's cake face & Erica. :D

Superhero Skateboard! :D Ew, ugly hair. *barfs*

Everyone's favorite picture of Beau. :D (when he had short hair.)

April 12th- The worst day of my life at that time. :P


May 15th- This was the day of the 7th grade field trip. And oh, what a hectic day it was. Me, Erica, Jannellynn, Cheyenne, and Tatiana were our own group. But on the bus rides, our group was me, Jannellynn, Cheyenne, Beau, and Nate. We sat all the way in the back in this order: Cheyenne by the right window, Jannellynn, Nate, Me, Beau. (: Alot of people who went on the field trip just crowded into Ms.Steortz's room in the portables. She turned out ALL OF THE LIGHTS while we "watched a movie." Me, Nate, Jannellynn, Cheyenne, Cjay, Katrisse, Brizha, Yoci, Beau, and Lilly were all in the corner of the room. Everyone else played truth or dare while me & Nate just stayed by the filing cabinet. He fell asleep, and then I accidentally fell asleep on him. xD Anyway, Jannellynn told me that that game of truth or dare was very s3xu@l. xD She did something, and then I told on her to Seejay, and he's all like "naughty naughty!" xDDDDDDDD
Me and my twin. (:

Cheyenne & I by the kung fu panda. xD
Yes, I'm grabbing his crotch.

Bus ride home- Beau, me, Nate.

Hobos! Tatiana, Jannellynn, me, Marisha, Miranda, Cheyenne, and Kristine. (:

May 28th- I was sick with a fever and possibly the flu. But I sent a very important text to Nate and he said yeah. (:


June 4th- The last day of seventh grade. We had been testing all day, and once the bell finally rang, hell broke loose. I ran down to the eighth grade hall all the way from the portables, and I bear hugged Seejay. xD I was squeezing the heck out of him and I was all like "I'm gonna miss you so much, you're going to high school and I'm barely gonna see you anymore!" xD And right next to us were Andrew and Trinity hugging and everyone was hugging. xD Some old guy was like "Go you guys, you can hug each other outside!" I got pissed at him. (: Anyway, we went back outside and everyone was saying bye and making plans to go to the rec or something. I think Seejay, Andrew, and Arjay were going to the rec so they were outside in the grass because they usually ride the bus. Anyway, I was going crazy and hugging everyone I could find. xD When my sister finally came, Alexis, Monica, Quin, Alan, Sam, and others were walking down the hill, and I opened the sun roof just to wave bye to them. xD After that I went to go eat nachos. (:

The video Jannellynn took on the last day of school. All that you can hear me say is "Where's Trinity's binder?" xD

June 25th- July 1st- The vacation to California. Vanessa went with me, and we stayed up til 3am almost every night playing guitar hero, playing actual guitar, or making stupid videos. Ateh Jona's baby shower was pretty fun. I played Phantom Planet for everyone. :D I sang "California" while playing it on the piano. xD I felt good about that. (:
Me & ex-best-friend Vanessa. :P

Brianne, Ateh Joy, Ateh Jona, Me, and Vanessa on the day of the baby shower.

Bri with Lilo. :D


July 15th- The only thing exciting that happened in this month. My birthday. xD I finally turned 13. I was on the phone with Trinity at midnight, then Alexis called, then Monica texted me along with Quin & Lex, and I got like 15 comments on myspace from people I don't even talk to telling me happy birthday. xD My party was kinda the bomb-shizzle. There was hardcore guitar hero, a water balloon fight, and a whipped cream fight. My sister's house was all decked out in black, pink, and silver decorations. I even had a banner that said J3MMI3. Haha gangster talk. xD Even my outfit was black pink and silver. But I changed after the water balloon fight. (: Seejay and Nate were playing Dragonforce over and over while my sister watched them and she was drinking beer. xD Their hands were moving heckka fast and everyone was taking pictures. (:
I couldn't take pictures from the front or else I would've gotten in their way. xD
Seejay in black, Nate in white.


August 16th- Trinity's birthday at the boulevard mall. It was the first time I saw Brandon AFTER my birthday. xD We went everywhere and left everyone behind. Jannellynn, Erica and I finally made the purple dog video. (: I bought a vest, and we took up benches everywhere. It was Me, Brandon, Jannellynn, Sam, Carrie, Erica, Kassandra, Sterling, Krisha, and Tad. Maybe more that I forgot. xD
L-R: My butt, Kassandra, idk, Jannellynn, Carrie, Trinity, half of Krisha, Brandon, and Sam. (:

L-R: Erica, Carrie, Me, Trinity, Jannellynn, Brandon. (:

My favorite. :D
Sam, Erica, Me, Brandon, Jannellynn, Carrie. (:

August 25th- First day of 8th grade! Whoo. Hectic stuff. Everyone wore vests except for me, because no one ever tells me anything. xD It was pretty. fun. but there were lots of ups and downs about my schedule and lunch. xP

August 30th- Ryan's birthday! I celebrated it like I always do; wearing a big sticker on my shirt that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY RYAN ROSS! xD ahah.


September 6th-A really fun day. Everyone, EVERYONE went to Seejay's house. It was: Me, Jannellynn, Erica, Trinity, Cheyenne, Daniel, Andrew, Arjay, Mark, Sai, Stephany, Eddie, Silke, Shelley, Adrienne, Jackie, and just sooo many people, I don't even remember the others. xD Me, Jannellynn, and Erica were on the couch, and Daniel just had to lay down on us. xD Mark was throwing pokemon cards at Trinity while she was playing guitar hero- funny stuff. (:
Erica, Me, Jannellynn, Daniel. [:

September 9th- Probably the most emotional day of my life. Alexis stayed up with me and cried with me the whole night. I love her so much.

September 20-21st-I had a sleepover at Alexis's house and it was uber fun. On the twentieth, Alexis called Seejay that night and we talked to him til our phones died. xD On the twenty-first, we went to the movies with Seejay and Quin, and we saw Journey to the Center of the Earth. It was super fun. :DD
Seejay and Quin. (:

September 23rd- The best and worst day ever. I ended something, and then something else started seven hours later. [x That's not very cool.

September 27th- A day at Seejay's house again. This time it was: Me, Jannellynn, Erica, Cheyenne, Danny, Daniel, Arjay, Andrew, Beau, Mark, Sai, Sai's friends, Shelley, Jackie, Adrienne, and other people too. It has basically a hook up day- everyone found out about me & Seejay, and then Trinity & Beau, and then Jannellynn & Daniel. It was pretty fun. Jannellynn and I made a fort out of pillows, and did lots of other stuff too. (x
The fort that me & Jannellynn made. (:

Shelley, Jackie, Jannellynn, Me. :D


October 9th- My 3rd Panic At The Disco concert. I went with Monica and Quin. [: It was all good fun, but that crowd was probably the worst I've had since extreme thing. Fat, high people, and snotty little nine year olds. How fun does that sound? xP Anyway, the concert was amazing, my boys always are. Especially "Northern Downpour" that was the best. And they performed "Shout!" I love that song. Always have, always will. :D


October 25th- Cheyenne's birthday party. The party was: Me, Jannellynn, Trinity, Erica, Lilly, Hannah, Kasey, and others. (: We went down by the wash, and went all the way to Sloan. We were pretty far. But then we had to run from a hobo and I got super scared and prayed while we were away from the hobo, and crossing the golf course. xD The sleepover had me, Erica, Hannah, and Kasey. (: I was texting Seejay all night because we were watching a scary movie and I didn't want to watch it. xD We also did karaoke, and Cheyenne & Erica were having so much fun doing the rap song. xD "I ain't no broke tigga broke tigga." xDDDD
One of the pictures I actually have from that day. xD
Me & Jannellynn. I look high. :P

October 31st- Halloween at Townsquare with Seejay! :D And meeting the rest of his family. [x It was a fun night, we went to his aunts house afterwards and Seejay was playing with his little cousin Alex, who's probably the cutest little baby boy that I've ever seen. (:

November 2nd- Mako's birthday. Me, Alexis, my mom, Joy, Jan, Jyl, Lex, Max, Dane, and Drew all went to Lied Discovery Museum. Alexis and I made sugar skulls. Hers is named Hugo I think, and mine is Jojo. (: Alexis's sugar skull was a metro. :D He was wearing a bow, and he had blush on. (x After that we went to peter piper pizza's, and I was on the phone with Andrew in the car while Alexis threw M&M cookies at me. xD

November 4th- Movies with Andrew, Alexis, and Seejay. We saw Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist. It was a really cute movie, there was alot of Beatles and The Cure. Which was perfect music for that period of time. Beatles for me, Cure for Alexis. I had fun. Afterwards, Alexis, Seejay and I went to coldstones to get some ice cream and of course I didn't finish mine. Alexis went home, and Seejay and I just wanted to spend more time so.. he went with me while me mom and sister got a smog check. How fun. xP Mako kept annoying us. Its what kids do. :P

November 8th- Alexis's first time at Seejay's house. (: There wasn't that many people this time, it was just me, Alexis, Andrew, Arjay, Mark, Shelley, and Angelo. :D Alexis & I made a mini campfire. It was bomb. Arjay and Mark kept acting like cholos the whole night. (x The boys played with the toy guns at night- Andrew & Arjay were a team, and then Mark & Seejay were a team. Seejay busted out his paintball mask. xDDD He got mad at Mark because Mark wasn't being tactical about the game. xD Arjay shot Mark, and Mark was supposed to be "dead" but he kept on walking, so Arjay was like "AW! YOU DEAD B!TC#!" xD It made my day. (: That was also the day when we named the cats, there was Donatello and Arjay Darkness. xD Alexis was in love with Donatello, but then even more with Arjay Darkness. And Arjay [obviously] named him because he's a "gangster." xD But Arjay Darkness is a WIMP! Everytime Alexis put him on the ground, he'd start crying, and Arjay would go "DAAWWWKNESS! GET UP, DAWKNESS!" xD It was so much fun. Alexis was holding Darkness by her chest, and Arjay was like "Look! Little Arjay's gettin some!" xDDDDDDDDDDD When we finally went inside, Mark was sooo excited about eating the chimichangas. xD "Yes...chimichangas for life." xD And then when we went back outside, Mark grabbed the big gun, and pointed it at Arjay, and he's like "Do yooh really think you could fawk with me?" in an english accent! And that made my night even better! xDDD
Arjay and Andrew after getting some laughs about the whole cholo/gun thing. xD

Donatello! [pwns Arjay Darkness]

November 10th- Townsquare with Alexis, Seejay, and Andrew again. We went to Yogurtland, it was me & Andrew's first time. xD It was the freaking bomb shizzle. I got chocolate, vanilla, and strawberries. So yummy. After that, we went to Borders and read Postsecret books. Those are inspiring to me. I don't know why.
Reading is magic. (:

November 14th-15th- Jannellynn's sleepover birthday! We went to the sunset station hotel, and had a blast. We listened to Escape the Fate when we first got there, then went bowling, then watched the house bunny back in the hotel room, then we saw everyone NATURAL. No makeup, no hair products or anything. (: HAHA JANNELLYNN'S MOM TOUCHED TATIANA'S BUTT! xDDD It was soo funny. She's all patting it, then Tatiana looks at me like "uuhh?" xDD I was on the phone with Seejay, then when he went to bed, I called Andrew. xD We stayed up until like 2 or 3am, and when we finally went to bed, Me and Jannellynn slept on the floor under our fort, with just my Eeyore blanket. We were so cold that we were huddling in our sleep. (x The party was even more fun. Everyone was skateboarding in the garage, and too many of Jannellynn's family members mistaked me for her. :D Beau was playing the Escape the Fate solo on "my apocolypse." (: Everyone wrote on the table cloth wishing Jannellynn a happy birthday, and now its on her ceiling in her room. :D I drew a bear. And Sam drew a guy with a b0n3r, and Seejay covered it up by drawing over it and making it look like a guy taking a shower. xD Cheyenne fell so much on Andrew's skateboard, it wasn't even funny. Well actually, it was. Cheyenne falls too much. xD Agh, it was just so much fun, I can't even write it all down. xD
Random party picture.
L-R: Tatiana, Cheyenne, Jannellynn, Chris, and Beau looking like a girl. (:

The tablecloth! :D

At the bowling alley. (:

November 23rd- Mental Health Day. I spent the entire weekend with Alexis, and didn't worry about a thing. We bought balloons, and tied messages on them and then let them go, hoping someone would find the note. (: We also bought those little capsules, that when you put them in the water, they grow into sponge animals. :D I had so much fun that day. Alexis even cooked me my favorite- an omelet that she makes with garlic and tomatoes. (': It was the best.


December 4th- One of the best days EVER! Seejay's birthday. Oh, it was soo much fun. Alexis and I got to Seejay's house early, so me and Alexis picked berries and I squished them. :D
Then Alexis and I created "the mom" and she's really really bad, so we blame everything on her.
The Mom has neon green hair, and red eyes. And she's a child molester. o: She gave birth to the devil. xD Me and Mark had our tea competition! And I totally won, because I made the bomb shizzle chamomile tea, while Mark just poured a cup of cold water. And spilled it. xDDDDD Alexis, Seejay, Beau, Eddie, Nate, Andrew, Arjay, Erica, Cheyenne, Jannellynn, Kiran, Sai, and Mark all tried my tea and loved it. :DD It was the best. (: Alot of them were watching deathrace, so me, Jannellynn, Arjay, Andrew, Cheyenne, and Sai sat in the other living room just talking. While Arjay and Andrew acted like cholos. Its their favorite. xD I stole Alexis's iPod while she was watching death race, and jumped around singing Duran Duran and Pat Benetar. :D Such an 80's child. xD Alexis took me to see all the Christmas decorations around Seejay's neighborhood, and we listened to Frank Sinatra. (: Beau did something bad, so I yelled at him, and sat on his head, and he's like "YOUR BUTT IS IN MY. FAAAACEE!" xDD Then I gave him a talk about disrespect. (x Ah, Alexis and I also skipped down the street singing "This is For Real" by Motion City Soundtrack. We got super tired super fast though. (x Too many stuff happened, but it was all good fun. (: ♥

I don't think I got any pictures from Seejay's birthday. O:

December 11th- The day Alexis left for her cruise. I died a little on the inside. ]': She told me to stay out of trouble. Am I really that misbehaved? xD

December 13th- Went to Townsquare with Seejay, Beau and Sai to FINALLY see Twilight. I swear, I was probably the last one to go see Twilight. xP Anyway. It was super cold that day. xD After the movie, we saw Monica, Silke, Marne, Larraine, Danica and all them peoples. Sai went to go with them, while Me, Seejay and Beau went to borders. They were playing with puppets, and I think my favorite quote from Beau that night was "I'M NOT A- what is this... A RACOON ANYMORE!" xDDDDDDDDDD We also went to the little kids playground, and we went to the maze, and while I was trying to get out, Beau was hiding and then he scared me and I screamed really loud while he was laughing his butt off. ]: Not cool. xD Beau & Sai took pictures at the apple store, but I didn't want to. xD My fault for not having the pictues, because I didn't take any. [x

December 19th- ALEXIS IS HOME! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD♥ She was supposed to come home on the 28th, but she came home early. [:

December 24th- Christmas Eve at my Tita Betty's house. [: Seejay came with me, and it was kinda boring until Chelsey and Marissa invited us outside. :D We were messing around alot and taking pictures. [x And apparently, I have two new daughters? o: Marissa and Alyssa. Haha :D These people walked by the house, and Chelsey was like "HI! HAPPY HANUKKAH!" xD Oh, these carolers were coming around the neighborhood, and I thought they were Jewish on accident. [x Fun fun stuff. [:
Seejay, Marissa, Me, Alyssa. [:

I love her. She's my baby at 7yrs old. [:

I love Marissa. xD


Marissa wanted to jump. xD

December 26th-27th- These past two days I spent with Alexis. xD She slept over at my house on the 26th, and then on the 27th I was with her the whole day. [: On the twenty-sixth, we did PATD imitations, and then she went to sleep. xD When we woke up on the twenty-seventh, we watched Memoirs of a Geisha, and then I went to her house and showered. xDD We went to a chinese restaurant that had really nice people, and weird tasting soda. THE COOK GUY LOOKED SO ANIME. I wanted to take a picture with him, but I couldn't. [x After that, we went to Petsmart, Micheal's, Old Navy, and the Galleria mall. :D We saw this hamster at petsmart and he had brain damage or something. xDDDD At old navy, there was this really creepy old guy who was talking to himself. o: When we went to the galleria, we say Wesley and Jonah! :D I didn't really talk to them though. After chatting with them, Alexis and I tried looking for something around the mall but we couldn't find it. ]: We made videos in the car, and they are so funny. xD I have yet to upload them though, my camera is still in Alexis's car. [x After the mall, we went to Alexis's cousin's house, where I was shy and anti-social. Alexis had to peel my crab for me. I met Alexis's brother, who strangely behaved like my brother. Haha. :D

This was the bomb looking fortune cookie at the chinese restaurant.
I would have all the other pictures from these days, but I don't have my camera. d:

December 28th- A day at Seejay's house again. [: This time, it was only me, Alexis, Sai, Beau, and Seejay's other family members. :D I had lots of fun that day. Alexis and I were fighting again outside, like we always are. xD Then when we went inside, Seejay gave me my present, which is a NINJA TURTLE SHIRT! :DDDDDDDDDDDD Its my new favorite shirt. (: ♥ Anywayy. When Beau finally came, it was really fun. Seejay was playing with his skateboard wheels on the table, and he's like "TIIIIRES!" xD And he called a circle a "kirkle" and I was laughing for a really long time until Seejay and Beau were like "calm down. Its okay." xD I was texting Mark, and he said that 6teen was better than Chowder, so I called him and went off on him. Then he said my flannel was gay so I yelled at him for it. Beau and Alexis were watching me get ghetto on him. xDD When Alexis left, [which was way too early] we went upstairs. (: Beau taught me things about counterstrike, and I watched him play. :D After that, me and Seejay had a "talk." xDDDD About who's moving what and why I'm not allowed to slouch in that one shirt. ;D [x It was fun. I just wish Alexis stayed longer. (:
Asians. (:

Yay, the last blog of 08. I'm probably gonna have uber fun on December 31st with Seejay, Beau, and Alexis. But I won't be blogging then. Here comes 2009, and its gonna be a killer! :D


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