Saturday, December 20, 2008

In sickness and in health;

I am so sick right now, its not even funny. I have a sore throat, and my body hurts. And my head is pounding. ]x
Orange juice is simply delicious, and I wish it would cure me.

I had a wonderful dream last night. (:

Everyone was going to the rec center for this festival thing, right? I went too, and the rec center had been extended or something because it was super huge. :D There were grassy hills, and a giant stage, but no instruments or people were on it. Anyway, everyone from school was there, and we were all having fun.

So Alexis and I were picking flowers, and I turn around and see BRIA! :D I give her a ginormous hug and it lasted forever. I introduced her to Alexis, then we all started taking pictures together. [x

We went towards the stage thing, and apparently it was a movie theater. (weird xD) Twilight started playing, and I couldn't see because I wasn't wearing my glasses or contacts. -.-

It was a pretty. short. dream, but I felt like I had alot of fun. :D I was kinda disappointed when I woke up though...probably because it wasn't real and I had a headache.

Yes, short blog. But it was a nice dream, because after talking to Bria since like... March? I feel like I really know her. (: <33333
P.S We're nerds with Keltie. xD

EDIT! Bria said this about me♥

where do i even begin? i must take this time to thanks those freaking forums because without them i wouldn't have met such a wonderful girl like you!! i love the conversations we have. whether it's about how much we love the 80s or what the beatles means to us, we always have something to talk about. i love the way you think and you seem so nice. i feel like we're getting really close and strangely enough i feel like i really know you. you are so gorgeous and i think it's crazy how we're both filipino. haha. i love being able to say things that only us flips would understand. you are so lucky to have met panic and i seriously i wish i was there with you. i love yer blogs! if i was old enough i would fly out there just to meet you cuz yer just so freaking awesome!! love you, jemmieeee!! :D

1 comment:

bria ballerina said...

gah, i love you girl.