Saturday, November 29, 2008

I scribbled out the truth with your lies.

I try to help you so much, just so you can be happy. And when you lie to me, it really hurts. Don't try to reassure me that things will be okay, that you're gonna be okay. Because you're not. I can feel this, and its not making me happy. Don't try to make me feel better, because its not going to work. How many days have gone by and I picked you up and brushed you off? How many days have gone by when my words have meant one thing or another? I really want to know what's going on. One day, you want rain, the next you want sun. I can't keep up. You just send me so many mixed signals, I don't know how to react to you. I never want to hurt you, I never want to make you angry, or sad. I want what's best for you, but if you keep changing your mind, I won't know how to do it. I've watched over you for longer than you know. Why, do you ask? Hell if I know.

Hell if I know anything about you. Hell if you WANT me to know anything. Just tell the truth.


[p.s: this isn't to who you think it is]

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