Monday, November 10, 2008

What should I finish?

I want a book me tank, even though I am not a dancer. They look comfy, and it would work with any other performing job, right? [:

I noticed that I have the traits of an average teenager. I practically want to live at the mall, my phone vibrates from getting texts like every three seconds, and planning what I'm gonna wear usually takes 15-30 minutes. Sometimes an hour. xD But that's probably just me. I have constant emotion changes, and I cry alot. Like, alot alot. But maybe everything else is different. Such as music taste, or logic, or.. maybe just the interests. I don't know, random things just pop into my head when I'm in the middle of doing something. [:

I write alot. I have like, a whole bunch of stories to finish, and there's only three that I'm really serious about finishing. All the others are just movies in my head that need to be written down. Or just things that I wish could really happen. And some of them I can't even finish, because they're just daydreams, with no plot. So it can't be a real book/story. And I'm gonna get serious about one of them... I just have to choose.
So I'm gonna list them all. (: Not that anyone will actually help me choose... just the fact that I should share what I write. Excerpts will be italic. (:

1st Story: Baby I'm Bad News.
This story is of course, a romance story. Almost all of my stories are. The boy's life is so ordinary, and mediocre. And sometimes, its bad because his father has an alcohol problem. So things are pretty stressed for him. But when a new girl moves into his neighborhood, and attends the same school, life is different for him. There's actually a reason to smile now. (This one switches Point of View every chapter. In the excerpt below, its in the boy's POV.)
After some serious thinking, I went downstairs to grab a snack. Maybe tomorrow would be better. Today, the only memories I had of her was her shy smile, and the way her bangs covered part of her face. I thought to distract myself from her. Girls like that, and things like me, don't happen very often. So algebra and biology took up at least two hours. A literature essay took one more. After I finished all my homework, I shoved a mixed CD into my stereo, and started to doze off. In my dreams, where things make sense. And I disappeared from this boring reality.

2nd Story: I Wouldn't Have Nothing if I didn't have you♥
This story is about a brother and a sister who are only one year apart, but are insanely close to each other. Their father had left them while they were only eleven years old, so they have learned that the number one person they can trust is each other. But when the older brother has to move away for a job, the sister isn't sure she could survive without him. (I don't want to share the names in my stores because its kind of embarrassing. x3 So deal with "him" and "her" :D The excerpt is just the beginning of the story, explaining their similar traits.)
She always drew flowers. Most of the flowers she drew had pale petals, and crimson red edges. The stems were intricately penciled, that you could see the sharpness of the thorn. But she liked making them with an illusion. So people could just stare at her flowers. That she called them, HER flowers. Because no one else had those flowers before.
He liked to draw pianos. He could draw thousands of pianos, and each one would be unique. They'd have a different design, or drawn at a different angle. Sometimes, he drew just the eighty-eight keys, and try to make the black ones POP out at you, so you think you're really in front of a piano. And he succeeded.

3rd Story: Untitled
I wrote this when I was on the phone with Alexis and Andrew. Alexis and I really want to move to Seattle when we're older, and I don't think we can live there without our boys. So I started writing just a short story on how life would be like. We each have our own small, two story house. You could even call it a cottage. But in the story, I describe our living space, and a day of what we do. From the time we wake up, to the time we go to bed. And the way I narrate it, is quite interesting. I'm sort of telling the reader what we're all about. And what we're like. And trying to make he/she feel that way about our interests.
As you walk the paved sidewalks of Olive Way, located in Seattle, you will come across four houses. All of them victorian styled, with steep rooftops and big glass windows on the front sides. They all seem perfectly aligned with each other, and even though the houses are built the same, each one has its own decorations that define its personality.

4th Story: Untitled2
This is about two male friends who start living together because they work at the same place. They buy an apartment together, and they both have siblings. The first male has a little sister who's thirteen years old. The second male has a little brother who's fourteen. The siblings hang out more and more because of the older males who are living together. And even though they are young, they still might have feelings for each other. (x (I haven't started this story yet, only the storyline. So sorry there's no excerpt. D:)

5th Story: Long Live The Car Crash Hearts
Vampires were on my mind as I wrote this. So obviously, the story is about vampires. Four humans died by the same cause, and weirdly in the same week. But really, they have been changed into vampires. Not the stereotypical ones. The ones that walk past you everyday while you marvel at their beauty. (I haven't started this one either. Sorry. D:)

The other story is top-secret, and only few people know about it. There's two authors, and of course I'm one of them. (: But still. Maybe when we finish it, we'll publish it. xD

That's all for now. I feel like sipping tea while reading poetry. Ta-ta. (:


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