Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So much to say. [:

Aghh, I feel greedy. There's so many things I want right now, and half of the things I want aren't even that important. But I can't stay the same at the moment, I want to have a variety of choices to choose from each day. I can't just keep wearing the same old chucks with the same old hair. ]: That made me sad. I miss my old hair from April-July. D; This girl to the left of my writing is really inspirational, and beautiful. :D And I want her bag. [x She started Breaking Dawn. :D I wonder what team she's on. I'm really hoping Switzerland. (:
So today, me and Taime wore our Ramones t-shirts together without even planning it. :D I remember when me and Seejay did that a long time ago. The good old seventh grade. *sigh* The good days. But not really. Because I wasn't close to the other people, like I am now. (x Man, I remember this one time in science, when I didn't really know Alexis, but she came over to sit by me while we were watching a movie, and pulled out some legos and made a spaceship. xD She's so cool, it beats cereal. And I like cereal. Alot. (: Agghh, its only 6:41, but it feels like its already nine. xD That's my doing. Its too dark outside to be six! xP I want red glasses. One, because dear Brother has them. Two, because Jannellynn has them. And three because they're bomb. :D

I always wondered what it was like to have facial hair. I mean, does it itch? xD And how about the hair that grows on your neck? Now that's just weird. [x I just like that picture. Two boys, two fake mustaches, and two fingers? Aha. (:
So the other day, I was watching a t.v show oh vh1 about "the 40 dumbest quotes." and my sister was all like "who are these people to just sit around and talk sh*t about everybody?" And it made me realize. So many people[girls especially] are always like "oh, don't be talking smack about me" when really they are influenced by it. Secretly. I mean, why can't we have a t.v show where people talk about how smart people are, and the accomplishments they did? Like why don't they interview some nerdy asian guy who can solve a rubix cube in 10 seconds? Y'know what I'm saying? Instead of speaking badly, why not speak in a good way? My sister can be right sometimes, I can't believe it. -.-

I could probably write down everything that makes me happy. It would be a really long list, but yeah. I don't understand why people feel so accomplished when they make me laugh/smile. My mom was driving me to school this morning, and I saw a license plate that said "feh" and I was laughing alot. My mom was like "I'm glad you get pleasure out of little things." And she started laughing with me because I was screaming out "FEH! BAH! GRR!" and little jazzy noises like that. :D Jazz hands make me happy, yummy foods, mini-things, little puppies who cock their heads when they're confused... I could go on. Just little things. But I bet if you went to some middle-aged gym teacher, they wouldn't find popsicles with happy faces quite amazing. :D (and yes, popsicles with happy faces make me feel good. I have a tank-top with thoes. (: ) If only my face wasn't so... ]:< I guess that's what I look like when I'm emotionless. xD

Twilight. Twilight. Twilight. Twilight. There's some people out there who aren't so great for reading it. They're on like page 8, and they're like "OMGGGG I LOVE TWILIGHT AND EDWARD'S HOTNESS OMG OMG VAMIPRESS AHHHHHHHH" Its quite annoying. Which is gonna make the movie even worse, because the girl playing Bella sounds like a MAN. They already messed up the movie, and I'm half looking forward to it. -.- 1. In the book, Edward stops the van with his shoulder, not his hand. 2.When Bella says "how long have you been seventeen?" and he says "a while" it was while they were driving home from Port Angeles. But in the movie, they were in the forest.
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! I don't know. But I'm glad I read chapter 13 with Andrew last night. (:

Sorry if this is so long, I'm just writing down the things that are on my mind. And what's on my mind isn't really important. Well, maybe the t.v. show thing, and Twilight, but that's probably it. (: I think I'm hungry. There isn't many healthy things at my house, unless its a sandwich. Which I am going to eat, because apparently, Beau doesn't deliver well. >;D
Remind me to finish The Secret Garden, and Wuthering Heights. (:

Farewell, says Raquel.


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