Tuesday, February 3, 2009


This is a wall. A very interesting wall, I might add. Art is beautiful. But I swear, Vegas isn't full of art. Vegas is full of TAGGERS. I want to go to New York, and actually see the real thing. Not this fake crap that has someone's initials written in bubble letters. What weenies. ;P

Anywayy. I can't wait until APRIL! Its when the letter from ECTA comes in to see if I've been accepted. [: I really hope I got in, and then I'm in the education program. Because if I get into the home technology one, I'm gonna electrocute myself. Just like how I accidentally lit a breadstick on fire... xP Glad I didn't apply for culinary arts. :D

So I finished Diary. It had a shocking ending. It kinda scared me though, because the thought of death is just really really unthinkable for me. I don't like it. xP I started Lullaby, and its also scary. I was reading the prolouge two nights ago, and I got super scared so I threw the book on my dresser. Then, I swear I heard my door open but it didn't. So I just laid down statue still, and went to sleep. [x I'm dumb. :P

I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian again, and actually sticking to it. I know I know, its kind of impossible when you're Filipino, and your Aunties & Tita's are always bugging you to eat. (& Also, Alexis told me that I look anorexic, and that when someone looks at me they just wanna feed me) That's besides the point.
I was washing the dishes today, and I had to throw out old milk. ORGANIC MILK. I love organic things. And I felt bad doing it(even though its soo gross and smelly) because a cow had its boobies squeezed just for that shiet to come out. I mean, if farmer brown honked mine, I'd slap him silly. But then again I'm not a cow. BUT IF I WAS A COW. That's what I would do.
Then I started to feel bad that people actually eat tortured animals. And enjoy it. That's what grosses me out, even though I eat that stuff too.
So, for the next few days, I'm gonna research if being a vegetarian again is healthy for someone my age. Or I just might become a pescetarian. (<- - I have no idea how to spell that. Hopefully I got it right ;P)

+ Christina Perri as amazing
+ Algebra homework is becoming easier
+ Never scream "I'MMMMM THIRRRRSSTTTYYYYY" at lunch
+ Across the Universe is the best movie ever
+ Backpacks save my life (:
+ I sold yearbooks to TWO people! Am I a good salesperson? ;D xD

All my loving,

1 comment:

bria ballerina said...

and yes, you spelled pescetarian right.