Thursday, January 22, 2009

Better, harder, faster, stronger.

Let me just get away with this: I didn't name this blog after Kanye West. & texting makes me thirsty. I have a problem. Seriously. xP

ANYWAY! I have been feeling much much better since my last update. I have so much to tell you! All in good fun! :D

-Rec Center! For the past five days, I have been going to the rec center non-stop. The main people that are there are Me, Seejay, Danny, Erica, Cheyenne, and Andrew. The couples, of course. xD . On Wednesday of last week, everyone was there at the rec because of the half days. Daniel was there! And he told me that if you sit on cold concrete, your butt gets bigger. (: On Thursday of last week, we went to Danny's house [because we had to wait for his special UPS box], and it was pretty. fun. even though I got in trouble afterwards. d: We just hung out in Danny's room while Seejay played on the PS3. xD Such a gamer. On Friday of last week, we just sat around doing nothing. (x On Tuesday of this week, it was the couples again. And we did the same thing as always. d: Then on Wednesday, [yesterday] Jannellynn came with us! And Daniel was there! :D I barely talked to him though. Someone stole Seejay's skateboard! It was some little 6th grader, and the guys ran everywhere to look for it while Erica and I were like "No. We're not running around ALLL over the place." But I still feel really bad that someone stole Seejay's skateboard. Dx Mm, my point is that I love my friends. They make me happy. :D
Danny: You're a freaking gay guy! You have red shoes! xD
Seejay: You're funny Danny. You should be on Everybody Loves Raymond, except..Everybody Loves Danny. :D

-Books! So I went to Barnes & Noble the other day, and got Diary, Lullaby, and The Alchemist. I'm reading Diary right now, and its pretty fun to read. I really like Chuck Palahnuik. He's great. (: I realized that the song "London Beckoned Songs About Money Written By Machines" by Panic At The Disco has references to Diary. I didn't know that. :D I'm learning alot from Chuck Palahnuik, whether its about drugs, words, or just life lessons. Diary has alot of anatomy and art involved in it, and its interesting to read. (:

-Music! I've been getting into a lot of new music lately, like A Fine Frenzy, and classical music such as Debussy. [Not because of Twilight, just because I heard Clair De Lune & fell in love with it :P] I'm getting really attracted to indie stuff, too. It sucks though that my sister doesn't like anything I like anymore, because she's the one that introduced to me sooo many bands/musicians. Like Panic At The Disco, The Beatles, The Ramones, Evanescence, Queen, Tegan and Sara, and so much more. But now the stuff I found on my own, she doesn't really like. xP Well whatever. People have their own opinions. (:

-The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I had no idea it was a book until I saw it on Jannellynn's iPod. That's next on my reading list! :D It seems interesting. Its kinda along the same lines as the movie Jack, with Robin Williams. In Jack, the boy looks four times as older than he really is. By the time he was ten, he looked forty years old already. In Benjamin Button, he ages backwards. It opens up my mind, this kind of stuff. What if everyone had a unique way of aging? Either someone looked really old, or really young. No matter the difference, it wouldn't matter if EVERYBODY was like that, because EVERYONE would be used to it. But who knows? Maybe we're already too used to what we have around us. But still. Minds work crazily, y'know? (:

Gah, I'm becoming a HTML master. xD

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