Friday, March 27, 2009


Hello dumplings. Tonight is a Friday night. And I am in the mood for soft acoustic, tea, and a good book. Unfortunately, I'm stuck with babysitting, in order to go to Milk Square's casa tomorrow. :]

I found out what FML means... Not cool! I haven't used a term like that since the 6th grade. Which, believe it or not, was not too long ago. But yes, it some cases it is. d:

My nephew is watching the episode of Spongebob, entitled "Bubblestand." The one where Spongebob teaches Patrick and Squidward how to blow bubbles, and Squidward ends up screaming up his bubble. Mako just thinks that's hilarious. xD [He just hit his head on the corner of the bed from laughing so hard]
I started a new game of Kingdom Hearts today, and it made me realize that I'm a KH nerd. I found 75 dalmations, almost all of the Trinities, and I even have three of the songs from the video game, DOWNLOADED. Yes. I rock.

-End of the grading period! Yes, this means spring break is NEXT WEEK! Whoo. I have two field trips coming up- Dance/Step team had 21 seats open on their charter bus, so they invited Publications to go with them!! :D Its only 40 dollars, and there's 19 of us students, and then Ms.Qustandi. So we all can fit. Hehe. I'm excited. The second one is the 8th grade field trip. We go to the adventure dome for the whole day, come back and watch the 8th grade slideshow, then go to what remaining time we have for 6th period. :D
We barely have any photos for the 8th grade slideshow. In publications, we've been watching movies all week, because we don't have any photos to slide. xD

-6 Months; half a year. The greatest has happened. Monday, March 23rd, was my 6 month with Seejay. We spent the whole day together at the rec, and at my house. (x Six months is half a year [duh] and I can't wait for the other half of the year to be with him. :]♥ We've never broken up once, and never had a fight. We're cool. :D

-Literature. I got two new books: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald.Its amazing how the movie for Benjamin Button is 3 and a half hours long, but the book is only 60 pages. I've had it for quite a while now, but I haven't finished it because I'm really into Pride and Prejudice. (x
My mother said that its best to read all those classics now, because I'll just have to read them in high school anyway. :] With authors such as Shakespeare, Hemmingway, Austen, Bronte, all that good stuff. I just hope that I'll understand it all by then. I have like 20 vocab words written down in my notebook already. xD

Just an update, really. Tell me something that happened to you this week that made you really happy. I'd love to hear about it. :]
Nighty night, folk.


Thursday, March 26, 2009



Thursday, March 19, 2009

The grand poo-bah.

WHY HEEEYYY THERE! It feels so good to blog again. I missed it, hahaha. Eventful times I've had, and had not tell you dumplings about it. Let's begin. :D

The picture to your right, are the people that keep me going, all day, everyday. I took this picture hanging upside down on the couch, while they were playing RainbowSix on Xbox 360. :P

-School Related Things! First thing I wanna say, is that THE YEARBOOK IS FINISHED!!! All the pages are done, and the books are coming in May. Jannellynn and I did the open house/welcome back dance/lunch surveys page. Then, Sarah and I did the cheer page, and I think that's my favoritee. :D

Third quarter is almost over, then we have about two months of school left! Yess! In April, everyone gets the letters from ECTA to see if we've all been accepted!

We also got our LVHS registration forms, just in case someone moves, or transfers schools. The classes I got recommended for are: English 1H, Biology, Geometry, and French 1. :D [technically, I asked for French, but Ms.Reyes signed it without even thinking about it. :D]

-Gaining weight?! Last night, I experienced something horrible... There I was.. laying comfortably in my bed at 2am, hopelessly flipping through the t.v channels, with a will to find something good to watch... And my t.v flipped no more. I had stopped at the food channel. All that was on the screen was a woman putting two pieces of fish in a pan... And then I was hungry. But I had just got done eating Chinese food. DANG.

I've been thinking about food too much lately. I mean, come on. This morning, for breakfast, I had an egg salad sandwich, an egg burrito, and cinnamon toast crunch.
I fell asleep around 4, not eating lunch. I woke around 6:30, and I was feeling very very hungry. So I made some microwavable ravioli. Then, I ate alfredo after that. Then my mom made french fries, so I ate those too.

I tried exercising the other day, 30 sit-ups. I was dying afterwards. Now that I don't have P.E, I'm in the worst physical state EVER. I think I'm gonna do this sit-up thing everyday now. xD

-Night/Daymares So. I've been having scary dreams lately, and during school, they always bug me. Its so inconvenient that whenever I'm thinking about the dream, I pass by the person who was in it. It even sucked [for me] to make eye contact with this person. I get a giant wave of nostalgia and guilt.

Now, I know that the one thing a girl wants, is for someone to understand her problems. Someone to look at things from her point of view. I recently found out that its TRUE, that girls like to talk about themselves. Alot. So, in conclusion, a girl would want a friend who would listen to her talk about her all the time. Truth is- I had a friend like that. And this is why these dreams are scaring me so much, because that friend isn't around anymore.

-Misty Satine Eirever. I started a new story, and that's my protagonist's name. It took me alot of time to come up with it, but hey. :P Its about a teenage girl who has to move to California, and she's alone there, in a big house with just her and her mother. The people who live next door seem nice... And that's where it begins.

The part I'm writing right now, is where Misty first enters her new house. Its kinda hard, because I wanna skip what I call the 'small talk' of the story, and get right to the juicy chapters. If I don't write them down right away, the ideas kinda fade out of my head, then I can't continue the story. My brain's weirdddd. ;P

-Jealousy/Flattery It really sucks when I have to look at pretty girls. End of story.

Well, that's it for now, dumplings. Man, I'm craving Dim Sum. xO [<-- example of my fat bootie]
Tell me something new, I like to learn new things.

Awake and insomniac,

Friday, March 6, 2009

T G I F !

Well hello! Thank Goodness Its Friday! ;D
Hm, to be honest, Beau & Sai started the whole glasses thing over here. And Alexis. :P But I was the first one to have a peekshurree online, so WHATEVER. This is just here for the natural-ness. :]

So this week has been CRT's. [Criterion Reference Testing] I think I did good on reading- but algebra I'm not so sure about. (x

Mako is watching Kung Fu Panda, while I sit here clickity-clacking on the compooper. :] Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs. Well, what's wrong with that? I'd like to know. ;D

Sorry. I'm in a really cheesey mood right now, and I just feel like RA! and hyper, y'know? :P I don't really have much to talk about, but I feel the need to update. So...updates away!

I've been really angry with the school system lately. It seems like with every test they give us, its to see how dumb kids are, and not how smart they are. The system always wants the students to improve, and not get some sort of credit for having a tad bit of knowledge. These test never focus on the positives characteristics of kids. NAPE testing, for example. Comparing the intelligence of the USA to other countries. What's the point of this? To see who can have the smarter kids? Unfortunately, that means smarter teachers. Which means those teachers have to go through a whole bunch of college, where they take tests. And the teacher's teachers take tests. The cycle goes on, and its always repeating. It never ends. I don't like it.

Immaturity. Its a big problem in this generation. [also laziness but I'll get to that later]
People snicker and laugh, and point at the stupidest things. My sister picked me up from school today, and while she was texting, I gazed out the window as usual. A male student from my school was standing in the grass field. Pulling his pants down, revealing his boxers. I made a disgusting face, and thought in my head that he was really stupid, and how much of an attention whore he was. His pants were at his ankles, and for no apparent reason. I wanted to march over to his face, and yell at him. Using my big words. :b But of course, it wouldn't do any good because he wouldn't understand anything I said. Immature. I don't get these kids, really. They do all this for reputation, popularity, and such. I understand that this is an important part of middle/high school, and part of life. Its to fit in, and be accepted. Some children will do whatever it takes.
I, myself, have known my identity for quite a while, so I consider myself mature. I'm not like everyone else, and I'm proud of it. I have fun, I have the time of my life, and I'm happy. Other kids are out there NOT having fun, NOT having the times of their lives, and they're NOT happy. I wish the best for them, and hope that they'll be happy in time.

So, I haven't been to the mall in 2+ months. That's kinda sad.. Considering how much I love that place. I guess its kind of because everyone has the same clothes now, and everyone looks the same because everyone dresses the same, and does their hair the same, and everyone just looks like a sheep or a robot. [that was a run-on sentence :D] I'm tired of being glared at by the girls at hollister. I'm tired of being looked at strangely when I'm at hot topic. I'm tired of seeing people at school at Forever21.

Actually, I think I know what my problem is. PEOPLE. People suck. Everyone's becoming the same, and they have lame attitudes, and no one's smart anymore. [except those geometry kids...lucky] Its just everyday that I have to put up with it. Wanna stick me in an art gallery? Be glad to stay there. Wanna stick me in a movie theater that's showing some HSM crap? Be glad to leave there, and go home. Its always the people surrounding me that affects my mood.
For example- when I'm around Alexis&Seejay, I'm in the greatest mood ever. I'm laughing, and smiling, y'know, the yoosh. [usual]
When I'm around the people in my health class... Its chaos. There's non-motivated children, violence-motivated children, desperate-motivated children, changing children, and its just a supermassive sea of people that could drive me insane. I like to be around normal, and fun people. I bet my world would be a much happier place if I was around Alexis, Seejay, and all the others all the time. Alex Greenwald can join too, he's pretty cool. Ah munna beat him at guitar hero. xD

-I held my pee today for 40 minutes. Very unhealthy.
-Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna run on the treadmill for 20minutes, and do situps. Yes, Jem can do the impossible.
-I'm gonna learn to be nicer.
-I need new vests.
-My sister is in love with food.
-Anorexia is really a scary thing.
-Pancit Canton isn't very filling. No, not filling at all.
-Jem loves easy to make foods. xD
-Jem is a natural born mother. :]<3
-Jem has been sleeping more!
-Stray cats are EVERYWHERE.
-Proxies don't work anymore. ):
-New bedsheets are awesome-0. [My english teacher said that word. I love her because she's a total n00b. :D]

Chocolate Pretzels,