Friday, September 12, 2008


Okay. So my other two blogs were stupid as heck. (: I freaking love this site, because when you post the blog, and don't type for a while, it saves it as a draft. That's freaking awesome. :D

I wish Alex Greenwald was my next door neighbor. We would be playing Guitar Hero until the break of dawn. ;D That would be so killer.
Gasp! My sister put my apron on my door, so its covering my panic poster! D:

I think I'm going to post my blogs on here, instead of on Myspace. Because I need to stop flooding everyone's friend updates with my constant emotion changes. (:

So today was a fun day. I really want some soda. I'm excited for tomorrow, because Alexis might come over, and we're gonna watch I am Sam. And maybe get up on my roof again. :D
We got tha funk. Gotta have the funk, owww we got tha funk. Gotta have that funk OW!
You gotta love tha funk. And don't worry, its the good kind. (:

I tried learning the acoustic part of "Behind the Sea" but my guitar is at my sister's house. So I had to use my other sister's old one with all these stickers on it. Its funny, because she wrote this thing on it, and it says "If my legs were as open as my mind, I'D BE AN EFFING SL*T!"
I like my sister. She's rad. :D

Today, I was riding in the car, and I realized that me and all my sisters are smart in the exact same way. [not trying to brag]
We all use big words, and are very good at writing stories, and reading books, and stuff like that. We hate math. Even though we're average at it. Hmm. My mom's the same way. She gets a B in math, just like me. :D I wonder what part of my dad's brain we got. Maybe the whole snarkiness? Haha. That's funny(: My dad is a gangster. He puts pennies in his penny loafers. XD

I miss my daddeh! I tried calling him on his birthday, but it went to his voicemail. ): My dad is really funny, but he can talk forever. Me and my sister were at his house, and he kept going on about whatever he could talk about. Cars, the Philippines, anything that came to his mind, automatically came out of his mouth. XD But thats okay, because sometimes I'm like that too. Me and my family are really open minded. Except my mom, but that's because she's anti-social. XD She doesn't get why I have to see my friends so often. She says that "I don't need to be entertained so much." Ha. [:

That's enough for today. I'll talk to you soon. RU/JA

*EDIT: I forgot to show you. Ryan Ross is the best lover I ever had. He's smart too, and of course everything makes sense when you rap about it. Walking whales blow your mind. That's right.

-forgive me for forgetting

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